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Fish recommendation

The aspidoras ~ corydoras argument seems to have been rumbling on for a good few years, Ian fuller is adamant that these are corydoras but at present they still remain aspidoras.

Exerpt from Ian fuller.

Coryidoras pauciradiatus is somewhat variable in colour pattern, as can be seen in a closer look at a group of imported specimens.
Although at this time (June 2017) this species is still recognised by science as a Aspidoras, although it is clearly not.

No idea how these ichthyologists decide and agree on scientific classification but either way its a lovely fish.
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Hi all,
The aspidoras ~ corydoras argument seems to have been rumbling on for a good few years, Ian fuller is adamant that these are corydoras but at present they still remain aspidoras.
There are a couple of threads on "PlanetCatfish": <"Lineages"> and <"Whats up with Corys?">.

The great and the good chip in. Ian Fuller is "Coryman", Julian Dignall "Jools", Eric Thomas "bekateen", Steve Grant "the.dark.one" and Rupert Collins "Racoll" etc.

The paper the infographics come from is Alexandrou, M. et al (2011) <"Competition and phylogeny determine community structure in Müllerian co-mimics"> Nature 469 (7328):84-8

Geographical_Corydoras (2).png

cheers Darrel
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difficulty in breeding them (they are avid egg eaters) and the initial expense has put me off.
This might make them a no go then, I’d prefer it if I could keep them with their eggs. I know corydoras tukano are safe with their eggs, issue is they’re bloody expensive!

I honestly didn't know Cory's could go for so much money - just seen prices on a species called Corydoras Ancestor 😳
Hi all,
Cory's could go for so much money
There is a strong collectors market for them in E. Asia and that raises prices. If a new attractively marked "species" is collected people will pay silly money for them. Even now relatively few species have been scientifically described (they are introduced with <"C" or "CW" numbers)"> so you don't really know what you've got.

cheers Darrel
just seen prices on a species called Corydoras Ancestor 😳
Yeah some of the new ones coming out of the tapajos area of Brazil are going for silly money! The good thing is a lot of corydoras are quite easy to breed, CW111 is currently one of the most expensive but it seems to be an easy one to spawn and F1’s are popping up now so it shouldn’t be long until the prices drop. Corydoras weitzmani was ridiculously expensive when it first appeared, now it’s not much more than a corydoras sterbai as they’re so easy to breed.

. Time you factor in shipping as well it ends up quite an expensive purchase for a group.
Indeed. I'd also feel uneasy about shipping such a valuable cargo.
Pier aquatics is a fantastic shop, they have some amazing fish in and would thoroughly recommend you visit if you're ever up this neck of the woods, understandably though that would involve one hell of a road trip. 😀
Indeed. I'd also feel uneasy about shipping such a valuable cargo.
Pier aquatics is a fantastic shop, they have some amazing fish in and would thoroughly recommend you visit if you're ever up this neck of the woods, understandably though that would involve one hell of a road trip. 😀
I’ll have to go one day as their stock is ridiculous. Only problem is I’d go and want to buy half of the stock in the shop, think I’m safer staying away lol!
I’ll have to go one day as their stock is ridiculous. Only problem is I’d go and want to buy half of the stock in the shop, think I’m safer staying away lol!
Only 2 hours on the train from Euston!

Not too bad at all for a special something
Only 2 hours on the train from Euston!

Not too bad at all for a special something
Only if I set up a new aquarium, I’ve got more than enough fish to keep me going for now. I’ve got a couple of rarities on order that I want to have a go with but that’ll be me for the time being .

I also didn’t realise just how rare those hyphessobrycon negodagua are that I’ve got so I’m going to try and raise a few spawns. They spawn easily enough in the main aquarium so hopefully it won’t be too hard.

Only if I set up a new aquarium, I’ve got more than enough fish to keep me going for now. I’ve got a couple of rarities on order that I want to have a go with but that’ll be me for the time being .

I also didn’t realise just how rare those hyphessobrycon negodagua are that I’ve got so I’m going to try and raise a few spawns. They spawn easily enough in the main aquarium so hopefully it won’t be too hard.

Looking forward to seeing your couple of rarities make an appearance!

Great to breed a super rare fish too, they're certainly worthy of a tank of their own! 😍
Anyone guess what they are? 😁


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