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Fish recommendation

I was going to say <"Corydoras (ln.9 ) weitzmani">, but are they <"Corydoras (ln.6) tukano"> ?

cheers Darrel
Correct! Got really lucky and when we mentioned them on ukaps i asked the fish barn if they could get any. They’re normally good at getting the fish I want in but it can take a long time for the rare species to pop up. On the off chance he’d ordered some the day before! Feel pretty lucky as it’s a species I’ve never seen in the flesh and was obviously on my wish list.

They’re now with the darter characins and some tucano tetras which I also picked up.

Correct! Got really lucky and when we mentioned them on ukaps i asked the fish barn if they could get any. They’re normally good at getting the fish I want in but it can take a long time for the rare species to pop up. On the off chance he’d ordered some the day before! Feel pretty lucky as it’s a species I’ve never seen in the flesh and was obviously on my wish list.

They’re now with the darter characins and some tucano tetras which I also picked up.

Aha! I saw those tucanos last week and thought they were lovely, and cheaper than usual. Glad they've gone to a lovely home! 😍 Good old Fish Barn, what a great shop 😀
Aha! I saw those tucanos last week and thought they were lovely, and cheaper than usual. Glad they've gone to a lovely home! 😍 Good old Fish Barn, what a great shop 😀
They’ve not let me down yet!

Yeh, thought they’d be the perfect fit with the ammocryptocharax due to how small they are. They really are tiny so shouldn’t be much competition.