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First planted tank.


30 May 2012
Buckfastleigh, Devon
Ok here we go.
Tank: aquael classic 40.
Tmc heater
300lph internal filter w/spraybar
Boyu 3x8w t5 light (running 2x8w for now).
Mini landscape rock
Awaiting hairgrass
Rotala roundifolia
Cyperus helferi


Keen to go green 🙂
Re: First planted tank.

Looks nice, as above, love the rock formation, although it doesn't appear to be following the golden rule?

What's the substrate?
The substrate is fluval stratum. Got a good deal on eBay so quickly put the tank together. Meh rules are made to be broken. The rocks were originally going in my cube tank but I decided to put them in here. Thanks for the comment 😉

Keen to go green 🙂
Re: First planted tank.

i too really like the hardscape, really nice stone pieces with lots of interest, maybe if it was a fraction to the left the 'v' wouldnt be perfectly central, but hey you can balance that with clever planting.
Like the sound of the plant list too, they will work well in this iwagumi style and wont clash with one another but will add different textures to give a natural look.
Really good start and ill be following with interest.
Re: First planted tank.

Me personally I think the rocks are pretty interesting spot and position. Nice and bold should make a lovely tank once the hairgrass gets growing. Any plans on fishes etc
Thanks for the feedback. I'm
kind of wanting some green neon rasboras/ danios. Can't remember which one they are this early. or chili rasboras. Not sure yet.

Keen to go green 🙂
As a quick fix for my tmc co2 regulator, I have Bought an adaptor to run 88g paintball cartridges off it. Hopefully all the fittings match up and I'll have co2 up and running. Im still going to splash the cash on an up aqua system that can run off disposables. It comes with an adaptor to use it on 21/22mm thread aswell so the upgrade option is possible. Still works out cheaper than getting my dual stage up and running at this point. I'll save that for when I finally move house and can have bigger tanks setup.
Ok all plants and co2 parts have been dispatched so you can look forward to an update by the weekend. I'm hoping my plants come tomorrow but that's being a bit optimistic.
Plants are here 😀 3x cyperus helferi, 3x blyxa and 30x rotala roundifolia. Once I'm home from the parents I'll plant, fill and photograph the tank.
So here it is... The update 🙂 just needs to grow in. Not too happy with the flow right now so I'll upgrade once my roots have rooted a little better.56aac7fc-d064-c01c.jpg56aac7fc-d073-18d5.jpg
Re: First planted tank.

Looking good, looking forward to seeing this growing in over the next few weeks/months. DSM didn't last long did it 🙂 I wouldn't advise it anyway after my thwarted attempt, just seemed to hold me back if anything. If you need any snail based cleanup crew to help with algae, let me know and i'l send you some, got lots of malaysians and ramshorns. What wattage have you got on this and what hours are you doing to start? Is the fluval stratum inert? How much did you pay for it?
Yeah I only did DSM until the rest of the plants arrived. The blyxa can't be grown emersed. Didn't want to fill it without stems in there. Hoping it dosnt take too long to grow in. Um it's a mix of fluval and tmc substrate. Both shouldnt alter the water. I got 4kg of fluval for £12 on eBay 🙂 I may be tempted with some snails mate. I'll see how it goes tho. May not need them 🙂 I've got 16w on it right now for 6hrs. I'll up it to 8hrs after the plants start to grow well and eventually put the 3rd bulb on to run 24w for 7-8hrs. I've got my co2 parts and dry ferts coming probably next week so I'll keep up with the liquid co2 for now and rely on the substrate for ferts. I'm mowing the stems down when they hit the surface and start shaping them into bang tidy bushes ASAP. How's your tank going?