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"Fifty Shades of Green" - (1600 Litre Sanjarami)

Glad you got it moved ok. It looks fantastic, Sanj.

I know what you mean about Hairgrass, one of my female bows has a real taste for it and uproots loads of it.
it is a top piece of work. My next tank will be open top for sticky out growing plants
Thanks for the comments guys, alot of room for improvement, but this is a long term planted tank so as the plants grow I gradually "sculpt" havent done it for a while partly becuase I am playing the game of which plants can I grow and dont get pulled up and eaten by rainbows. Tring Marsilea at the moment in place of hairgrass.

Seriously they will eat whole hair grass plants even up to 6" long, it will then come out the other end almost intact. Well at least they will have clean intestines. 😛

When i look back at past pictures I sometimes prefer seeing wider expanses of hairgrass, but at the same time high stocking density of rainbows and given thier shape and behaviour seem to suit more dense planting. What do you guys think? Rainbows except for some blue-eye species (maybe) would not suit the likes of an Iwagumi so well.

Gill, you are welcome to pop over.

Antipofish, thank you I did not see your initial message until I looked on my emails, my inbox on here was full.

I will post a video update at some point, still have fish logistics to sort out.

I know what you mean about Hairgrass, one of my female bows has a real taste for it and uproots loads of it.

I am glad it is not just me, these guys are real opportunists. Still i am glad they can behave with most of my plants.
Attempted a video update, not too happy with the picture quality.

Transitions afoot on the forest floor... Marsilea and Staurogyene as well as some hydrocotyle.

As I keep saying, larger rainbows can be a bit of a challenge with some soft leaved plants. There is still some downoi growing, strong root growth, but foliage thoroughly chopped down to the stems.

Stunning display, my son just loved watching the 'bish' as he calls them..... i loved it too!
What an amazing tank! I could sit there for hours in front of it. Wonderful fish too- so much movement, life and energy! I do love the fact that there is a tree growing in the middle of it all as well 😀
Beautiful. Just beautiful. And it has made me want more rainbows grrr. I was reading about some that only get to about 3" the other day. Not Praecox. They were lake dwelling rainbows, and quite colourful. I thought I had saved to favourites but cannot find the ruddy link now. Don't suppose from that awful description you know which ones I mean from the hundreds of types there are Sanj ?

EDIT: Found the info. It was Melanotaenia Parve from Lake Kurumoi :thumbup:
stunning tank, this could be on show somewhere. would hate to do water changes on a tank that size tho :lol:
Thanks for the kind comments (and any others I will taken constructively 😛).

Regarding water changes, its not a problem really, hose+pump+tap. This tank initself is not a problem just remembering to keep an eye on it when filling.. It is other other 1500 litres that makes it more work!

Antipofish (what does that name mean? somthing Antipodean...), anyway yes M.parva is a medium sized species and one that is available occasionally in the UK, ive seen it in a few places. Just to let you know the males are not red all day, they can be rather washed out for much of the time, but colour up nicely usually in the morning or lights on period. Gradually change colours through out the day while others rainbows and change thier colours almost instantly.

It is a nice fish.

Oh yeah, several people have accused me of buying the house for the fish including nearest and dearest...almost meant moving wasnt going to happen at one point..."Do you love me or the B***** fish tank!?"

It was a consideration, I will admit. 😳
Hi Sanj. Thanks for the info 🙂 Antipofish. Lol, I lived "down under" for a while hence the "antipo" from antipodean and I love fish. Simples 😉 Can u recommend other rainbows of same size ? I have three dwarf neons at the moment. the male is a nice colour and there are two females (though i think the second one might be a male)
There are a few species, but a lot of them not available overhere yet, but I do have many species not available in the uk, just time and space to breed them as well as cracking the breeding technique to raise larger numbers.

Muccullochis, Papuae I have seen for sale here. Sexlineata and pygmae are other Melanotids, but I have not seen it for sale here. I have them, but need to breed them successfully.

Have you also looked at Blue-eyes? Psuedomugil furcatus is quite a robust fish that should be fine with Dwarf Neons. I also keep P. gertrudae which is a little more delicate, but seemingly fine with them.
Hi Sanj,..I have no words to describe your amazing tank. Are you still running them with your cannister filters? I can only imagine the amount of maintanence that you might be doing in keeping it in tip top shape.

Could you be kind enough to show us the some pics of how you've set up your spray bars, powerheads,etc please? One of those water changes snaps 😀 . Some snaps of what's going on under the cabinet please 😳

I am absolutely awed by the scale of your project. The maintanence that you're probably putting into this :shock: ,.....absolutely no words come to mind.
