Glad you find the information useful.
To answer your question it's necessary to understand the way light works. Imagine driving your car on the Motorway. You can drive in the slow lane or in the passing lane. In this analogy the light acts as the accelerator pedal. The farther you depress the pedal the faster the car goes and the greater the rate of petrol consumption.
In the analogy, the nutrients and CO2 are the petrol and the plants growth rate is analogous to the car's velocity.
So adding more light intensity is the same as depressing the pedal and the effect is that the plants grow faster. If there is not enough petrol in the tank however, the car soon stalls and you are stranded on the side of road.
So there is very little relationship between the amount of light intensity and it's duration. Too much light without enough nutrition consumes the available resources more quickly and empties the tank more quickly. Leaving the pedal depressed for longer does nothing to help the plant.
In any case, plants only use the light for about 6-8 hours and then they typically shut down, so again, duration is a diurnal issue and is not directly coupled to intensity.
Hope this clarifies.