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Dwarf Puffer Paradise Nano...

Sounds great but of course snails equal Mess and rotting, and there seems to be a fair few snails in there already.. Ill pop to the LFS today and grab a bag of bloodworm and snails and double barrel the job. getting a little worried now! :-!
ok cheers guys ill try it, the good thing is that I saw a few sacks of egs in the yesterday so hopefully the snails all came in from my last tank. my triptych was riddled with snails and they seem to be in the puffer tank too.. I will call my LFS and see what I can find. do you think they would just give me a bag for free?
cool cheers mate 🙂 ill get on it today when im taking a break from my dissertation! due in on monday! writing about the 'effects of mass tourism caused by the notoriety of UNESCO' if you wanted to know :lol:
UPDATE photos of an amano shrimp I got. I asked for the biggest they could give me and got two for £5.00 so not too bad. This one seems to be very red though.. maybe it will clear up after time. I managed to go to the LFS and grab some live blood worm and they seem to be lapping it up 🙂 now when ever I go to the side of the tank the puffers follow me. here is a shot of one of the amanos.

Amano shrimpJack Dicker

Im also wondering what the reason behind this decaying leaf is? Im putting it down to the fern just shedding leaves as I di originally have it out of the water for about a week. I also thought it was because it had come from a co2 pressured tan into my tank, but then I doubted that due to the fact im dosing everything I can but pressured co2. I did ask earlier but I think it was missed 🙂

Decaying java fernJack Dicker
Im also wondering what the reason behind this decaying leaf is? Im putting it down to the fern just shedding leaves as I di originally have it out of the water for about a week. I also thought it was because it had come from a co2 pressured tan into my tank, but then I doubted that due to the fact im dosing everything I can but pressured co2. I did ask earlier but I think it was missed 🙂
Very odd those fern leaves. I would take those effected off, but I don't know the cause, sorry.

All the best from Bill. 😀

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When I stripped down my tank and put all my java in a holding tank some of the leaves went like that. I just trimmed it out. I wondered if the plant had got damaged when I'd removed it from the wood.

I didn't see my puffers eat a snail for ages then one day I looked in the tank and was like, where are all the snails?
Hi all,
Im putting it down to the fern just shedding leaves as I di originally have it out of the water for about a week.
Jack it is because being out of the water, where the edge of the leaf has dried out and died and is now decaying back to the undamaged tissue. Because of the way water moves through the xylem it is always the distal edges and tips of the leaves that suffer this sort of damage. Basically the transpiration stream can't replace the water that is lost through the stomata quickly enough.

cheers Darrel
Cheers Darrel. Thanks for the reply. Ill begin to trim back the dying leaves and hope that new leaves begin to shoot. Cheers 🙂

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UPDATE, few camera phone updates just after a water change, I know its a little cloudy but thought they were pretty cool shots, my puffers are looking nice and fat. their colours have really come out now, great vivid green and black 🙂

2013-03-01 15.32.12Jack Dicker

2013-03-01 15.31.54Jack Dicker
Sorry to have to put this on your thread, but I really need to know if you're getting conversation messages. Sorry but I have already had a bad experience with another member and don't want it to happen again. Please get back ASAP. Cheers
It looks to be your Flickr account, Jack. Have ran through a few journals with Flickr with no problems. Can you log in and view them because I can't log onto your page.
I cleaned through my flickr account... What a pillack... 🙁 everything is lost... I knew i had a reason for using image shack! I guess every photo from every thread i Have ever posted has gone! Jesus!

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I have just realised and checked my other journals and all my photos are gone. I cannot stress how pissed off i am with myself lol i guess ill have to sieve through my threads and re-do each one !

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