The Ludwigia inclinata on the Left is coming along nicely.
Another 2 weeks and it'll be where I want.
New E hydropiper in the front should be a nicer alternative to HC. Just planted, so it'll be a another 2weeks or so before I see how it does in the tank at 26C.
I could also go with "mini" Erio cinereum in that same spot also. Hopefully the mini will stay small if I do decide to go back to Erios anytime soon.
The downoi spot you can see now what I had in mind. Those are the scraggy runts of the batch that like last time, ended up nice and fat and worth 80$ for the group after 2 months of growth.
I might add the Bacopa lanigera where the Downoi is now, that's the idea anyways, the contrast between the Bacopa and the Ludwigia Red and the orangy inclinata is a very nice effect. I may end up placing the Bacopa in the rear some where off to the far Left also if I decide on the Downoi.
On the far Right, I'll allow the Starougyne "purple" to grow out some and then make a small patch of it to separate from the Tonina lotus blossom, the colors are a bit similar, so this will add some division between them.
I also have some Mini Pellia I need to see if I can add to help divide things between the groups, or I might add that to the wood somewhere. The Mini Pellia would also make an effective barrier between the 3 foreground weeds that tend to be bright green. Or dark green fingers of it tied to small short branches protruding into the bright green E triandra and E hydropiper.
Still waiting for the Bacopa lanigera to arrive, few folks have done scapes with it.
I'll raise the Bolbitus up so it wraps around the back of the wood a bit more, due to the timing on the trim, it looks bare, but as the Myrio matogrossense grows fills this space in pretty fast, in 1-2 weeks, it'll be packed and in need of a trim again.