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"Dutch something or the other" 120 Gal

That's quite ingenious. I think I'll give it a try. I'm loosing more and more UG everyday caus it just doesn't hold to the substratum.

so just pack UG into plugs and then place the plugs where you want it right? That shouldn't be hard.


Here's today, I trimmed then did a good sized water change:


I added Elatine hydropiper, "micro" Gloss.

E. triandra has filled in well and will make a nice bright green rug.

Still got a mess till things grow out more on the Left side.

Water change, takes about 35 min or just enough to clean the prefilter, catch shrimp, clean or move anything around.


E triandra close up

I expanded the Elatine hydropiper and this really brought the Left side together much much better.

I'll try both Downoi again in the spot, it will need to grow out as I only saved a few measly scraggy plant leftovers. I did expand the Ludwigia inclinata in a nice 1/2 circle arc. This is starting to shape up as this plant is easy to grow out rapidly.

I have some Bacopa lanigera coming in for one of two spots and will try it out in the fromt between the L. inclinata and the L. "red", the bright white (Glaucous) green hairy Bacopa with larger leaves.
I had this plant back in 2001, been awhile.
If not there, then behind on the far left behind the main trunk of wood.
This will provide nice contrast in either location.

I also Fissidens another branch to add balance for the other Fissidens branch next to the UG.

Overall, I'm getting to close to having a semi complete scape. From there, some trims and tidying up.

I'll get some pics in a couple of days. This will better illustrate the coming together of the section.
Not sure in the Bacopa will come in, but you will be able to tell pretty quickly where and how the tank will look overall.

Then it's just some trim timing.
plantbrain said:

Overall, I'm getting to close to having a semi complete scape. From there, some trims and tidying up.


I, for one, never want you to complete this scape! 8)

This journal is brilliant for seeing how plants grow out and develop. As ever with your writings, very educational. But in this case beautiful as well.

Best Regards,
Well, I can change some things around and have, but I can allow some things to develop fully also.
Do you have a macro lens, Tom?

I'd love to see some of your beautiful plants up-close and personal! 🙂
George Farmer said:
Do you have a macro lens, Tom?

I'd love to see some of your beautiful plants up-close and personal! 🙂

and those fire shrimp.
George Farmer said:
Do you have a macro lens, Tom?

I'd love to see some of your beautiful plants up-close and personal! 🙂

Then someone will bitch about a full tank shot :crazy:

Yes, I have a full set of Canon L lens and the macro flash and god knows what else.

I rarely break that stuff out except...for the nature photos, sometimes fish, but that's been years.

I'll see about it.

Thanks, not a bad idea.

I'm more concerned about the larger color scheme really.

The Ludwigia inclinata on the Left is coming along nicely.
Another 2 weeks and it'll be where I want.

New E hydropiper in the front should be a nicer alternative to HC. Just planted, so it'll be a another 2weeks or so before I see how it does in the tank at 26C.

I could also go with "mini" Erio cinereum in that same spot also. Hopefully the mini will stay small if I do decide to go back to Erios anytime soon.

The downoi spot you can see now what I had in mind. Those are the scraggy runts of the batch that like last time, ended up nice and fat and worth 80$ for the group after 2 months of growth.

I might add the Bacopa lanigera where the Downoi is now, that's the idea anyways, the contrast between the Bacopa and the Ludwigia Red and the orangy inclinata is a very nice effect. I may end up placing the Bacopa in the rear some where off to the far Left also if I decide on the Downoi.
On the far Right, I'll allow the Starougyne "purple" to grow out some and then make a small patch of it to separate from the Tonina lotus blossom, the colors are a bit similar, so this will add some division between them.

I also have some Mini Pellia I need to see if I can add to help divide things between the groups, or I might add that to the wood somewhere. The Mini Pellia would also make an effective barrier between the 3 foreground weeds that tend to be bright green. Or dark green fingers of it tied to small short branches protruding into the bright green E triandra and E hydropiper.

Still waiting for the Bacopa lanigera to arrive, few folks have done scapes with it.

I'll raise the Bolbitus up so it wraps around the back of the wood a bit more, due to the timing on the trim, it looks bare, but as the Myrio matogrossense grows outward......it fills this space in pretty fast, in 1-2 weeks, it'll be packed and in need of a trim again.
plantbrain said:
George Farmer said:
Do you have a macro lens, Tom?

I'd love to see some of your beautiful plants up-close and personal! 🙂

Then someone will bitch about a full tank shot :crazy:

Yes, I have a full set of Canon L lens and the macro flash and god knows what else.

I rarely break that stuff out except...for the nature photos, sometimes fish, but that's been years.

I'll see about it.

Thanks, not a bad idea.

I'm more concerned about the larger color scheme really.
Seems a bit of a waste to have all the great gear but not use it. Send it my way if you like! :lol:

Try getting some decent fish close-ups. That's a nice challenge.
George Farmer said:
plantbrain said:
George Farmer said:
Do you have a macro lens, Tom?

I'd love to see some of your beautiful plants up-close and personal! 🙂

Yes, I have a full set of Canon L lens and the macro flash and god knows what else.
I rarely break that stuff out except...for the nature photos, sometimes fish, but that's been years.
I'll see about it.

Seems a bit of a waste to have all the great gear but not use it. Send it my way if you like! :lol:

Try getting some decent fish close-ups. That's a nice challenge.

Fight ya for it 😉
The Canon G12 I have is real good for macros and does not back focus much.
I use the Canon 5d mkII sparingly for personal reasons.

The Bacopa lanigera will straighten up and become larger and whitish.

Just redid and moved some things, so it's cloudy.
^^^^^^ the chances of anything coming from mars, are a million to one.... yet still, they come.... ^^^^^^^ definitely otherwordly.
Troi said:
Still looking good. "Dutch something or other" doesn't quite cut it any more; I think you've invented another scaping genre..."Alien Surreal".

"Produce stand" perhaps, with a wall of apples, oranges and tomatoes. 😳

Reef folks get picked on often times for this same issue, they have these scapes full of bright colors stacked up towards the back. Some Dutch tanks fall into that group also.

My startin goal was rather simple, just wanted a bright showy stem plant tank to off set the cooler simpler designs I often prefer. My clients all like Jungly things...........so this balances my interest/taste.

The 70 Gal manzi scape has a very interesting hardscape and unique there as well. The #d view on that tank is really nice, I spent maybe 10 minutes deciding what goes where, it was not a long process at all. This tank is polar opposite.

But both will give plenty of happiness and profit from plant sales and livestock.
I also like to Farm and while not having 40 acres is a bummer..........at least for now.........I can still do this.

Livestock: shrimps and fishes.
Crops: loads of plants and a large variety.

Per dry weight, the plants are worth more per dry weight than marijuana. Which is legal here in CA but really odd how it has become that way.


Nice new growth is coming in faster than I anticipated.

A little over 3 weeks worth of growth from the E triandra, not bad.
plantbrain said:

I LOVE this pic Tom ! Is there any chance of you annotating it with the full names of each plant for us newbie mortals ? 🙂