Light is not a nutrient and therefore there is no such thing as "optimum light". The function of light is to supply quantum energy packets. The role of the chlorophyll molecule and other pigment molecules is to convert quantum energy to electro-chemical energy. Photon absorption results in a change in the energy state of the valence electron in the pigment. This energy state change powers those reactions that assimilate nutrients which are themselves elements.
Light therefore is analogous to a battery, or a generator, so there is no such thing as optimum value. There are only "minima" or "maxima". The more voltage supplied by the batteries or generator to a system, the more assimilation can occur.
It is this fundamental misconception of light that causes all the trouble, and it is exactly why folks struggle.
Light therefore is analogous to a battery, or a generator, so there is no such thing as optimum value. There are only "minima" or "maxima". The more voltage supplied by the batteries or generator to a system, the more assimilation can occur.
It is this fundamental misconception of light that causes all the trouble, and it is exactly why folks struggle.