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Difference between TMC ADA SIGNATURE

TMC used to advertise a choice of clear silicon joints on request...maybe they still will if asked...either way it's no biggie:bored: ...
Not to bash ada on their tanks as they arw good looking tanks but I have read on other forums problems where seals can go after a year. Its on a few sites. Especially the 120 tanks.
Yes this can happen with all tanks agreed but ive not heard this with na or tmc...... yet 😀

At the end of the day its down to a person's personal choice.

All are very good tanks

This was an issue with the old tanks, but honestly in 7 years i not seen any. I've read 2 or 3 comments or legends on the forums, but noone had a tank which did that 🙂
The funny part is that when they produced their tanks in the EU was the issue. The German crafters used a thinner glass then they should.
We do have also a 120p, 120*45*45 in 8mm glass from that factory. Of course it has a 4mm bow on each side 8 mm total! I am not wondering this gave up after 5 years at some people if it did at all. We do use it for 3 years and no damage on silicone or no any bubbles in the silicone!

But, since they moved their production to china, the quality improoved. They are using thicker glass now so no or minimal bow only.
They also replaced the greenish optiwhite to a clear glass which has a nice ice blue edge.
Why Tim, why must you... Grrr... I like Clearseal because I can afford it. I think branding between TMC, ADA and NA does not matter since all three are reputable brands. At the end of the day its what is inside the tanks that really makes the difference. At the end of the day when you look at a picture/painting you look at the paint not the picture frame.

I agree 100% with that. I didn't say it, but i have done it. I buy what is the cheap, and NA is the one.