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Difference between TMC ADA SIGNATURE

....please dont even compare ADA with TMC, it may hurt Amano...
ADA is perceived as the most premium and luxury aquascaping brand available - a yardstick by which others are measured, so it's only natural that similar products that cost less will be discussed.

If I find a product that I see as equal in terms of quality, and good value, then I'm certainly going to recommend it. Sorry if that offends you (or Amano)...

You can all say what you think but NA tanks are great quality and best price. Ironic that it is even better than TMC

For me TMC is like Ikea, so please dont even compare ADA with TMC, it may hurt Amano very much.

Why is it ironic that you think NA is better than TMC?? Just out of curiosity??

If one tank looks as appealing as another but much cheaper i know which id opt to go for. I wouldn't say na are the best price although they certainly are attractive set ups

On a whole I think everybody has their own preferences when it comes to tanks, and other than the NA tanks ive seen ada and tmc and both look equally as good.
As said there really isn't much between them, the actual tanks are the same in quality. They really are. The cabinet on the other hand...the NA cabinets are probably the best, then ADA and then TMC. But for £100 for a cabinet you can't go wrong IMO. We don't sit and look at the cabinet do we?
People i'm just saying that NA is cheaper and good quality that is all 😀 Ironic cause you get a NA 65 system cheaper than a TMC 65 system. Arent we talking about a good worth of monay. Then NA is the best.

And no, it dont offends me, but to compare ADA with TMC, with all do respect ...came on... (JUST quality reasons)

They are good tanks. Nothing against them. And as i know ADA tank are now made in china, and probably TMC are made in china as well.

I've seen ADA tanks with problems as well, on a forum. All tanks are hand made, so we can have problems from all brands. But far from all ADA has got the worse customer service i ever found.

TMC may be equal in terms of quality, and good value, but an ADA tanks have much less fails than other brands, and apparently they do have much less fails , as i never seen 1 with any problem. But yes, not even ADA is perfect.
I'm also not sure if the 60x45x45 is available in clear silicone - but I could be wrong.

I dont think it is. I have the 60x45x45 one and could only get it in black silicon, personally I was happy with.

While the TMC price is very good, if I were doing this again I may well have gone NA, they have wooden stands (I think) which to my mind is much better than MDF.
This is all very well and yes everyone will say that what they own is 'simply the best ever' but surely it's what you put inside that counts? I bought my TMC on recommendations from other members, the dimensions of it suited what I was after and considered that what I had beforehand it was a decent upgrade.... and more money saved to go elsewhere 🙂
I bought an ADA 60 p because it worked out cheaper to nip up the road and buy it from TGM than drive to Birmingham to get the TMC (which I was planning).

I thought it was good value but what amazes me is the exponential increase in price as the tanks get bigger. For the size the OP wants tmc is much better value, I haven't seen the NA tanks but their cabinets look really nice, ang good value.

They are good tanks. Nothing against them. And as i know ADA tank are now made in china, and probably TMC are made in china as well.

I've seen ADA tanks with problems as well, on a forum. All tanks are hand made, so we can have problems from all brands. But far from all ADA has got the worse customer service i ever found.

TMC may be equal in terms of quality, and good value, but an ADA tanks have much less fails than other brands, and apparently they do have much less fails , as i never seen 1 with any problem. But yes, not even ADA is perfect.

Not to bash ada on their tanks as they arw good looking tanks but I have read on other forums problems where seals can go after a year. Its on a few sites. Especially the 120 tanks.
Yes this can happen with all tanks agreed but ive not heard this with na or tmc...... yet 😀

At the end of the day its down to a person's personal choice.

All are very good tanks
Interesting debate about the brands and the tanks they offer - strange that they all share common elements, glass and silicone...

Having not owned any of the mentioned brands, I must say that when I compared my old reef tank with the build quality of Elos, I was extremely disappointed by the Elos. The silicone work was relatively sloppy when compared to my UK built tank. This UK built tank (by Aquarium Connections) still ranks up there with the likes of TMC and ADA from what I've seen. Just don't be blinded by the branding, sometimes there are better options closer to home, if you know what I mean.

I guess it comes down to what you want to associate yourself with, how much you're willing to spend to have that association and if that brand ticks your requirement list in terms of size, and finish.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
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Grrr... makes me sick when companies charge such a premium for their 'brand'.

Thinking about it however, Elos aquariums come with a sump, overflow and auto-top up device included. It's a shame they use black silicone though. Maybe there's a reason for that? Also I think only the front glass is 'optiwhite'.

Here's an interview with one of their sales reps: -

As for ADA, I think there must also be some hefty distribution costs for them. However, who can deny that they charge fair prices when you see their bog standard regulators and wait for it... £725 for an artfully-designed CO2 bottle. Seriously???

Grrr... makes me sick when companies charge such a premium for their 'brand'.

Thinking about it however, Elos aquariums come with a sump, overflow and auto-top up device included. It's a shame they use black silicone though. Maybe there's a reason for that? Also I think only the front glass is 'optiwhite'.

Here's an interview with one of their sales reps: -

As for ADA, I think there must also be some hefty distribution costs for them. However, who can deny that they charge fair prices when you see their bog standard regulators and wait for it... £725 for an artfully-designed CO2 bottle. Seriously???


Why are elos using Maxspect R420r lighting when they have their own series suitable for This tank? This setup is a new model isn't it?
As above they are all just panes of glass silicones together but I'd love an Ada setup, and an NA setup and a tmc signature unfortunately this would lead to divorce and not being able to afford to keep or run these setups so I say long live clearseal

Why Tim, why must you... Grrr... :banghead:

I like Clearseal because I can afford it. I think branding between TMC, ADA and NA does not matter since all three are reputable brands. At the end of the day its what is inside the tanks that really makes the difference. At the end of the day when you look at a picture/painting you look at the paint not the picture frame.
Why Tim, why must you... Grrr... :banghead:

I like Clearseal because I can afford it. I think branding between TMC, ADA and NA does not matter since all three are reputable brands. At the end of the day its what is inside the tanks that really makes the difference. At the end of the day when you look at a picture/painting you look at the paint not the picture frame.

Oh I dont know..... I do loves a good picture frame I do 🙂

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Why Tim, why must you... Grrr... :banghead:

I like Clearseal because I can afford it. I think branding between TMC, ADA and NA does not matter since all three are reputable brands. At the end of the day its what is inside the tanks that really makes the difference. At the end of the day when you look at a picture/painting you look at the paint not the picture frame.

Yes, but we're talking about that smokescreen obscuring the 'painting' :lol: