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Dan's Little Mountain replacement

Oi Crawford,

have been in my ada ferts cupboard it looks a bit empty :lol: :lol: :lol:,

hopefully see ya friday night mate

regards john.
Well I did grow up in the north west 😉

Friday should be good mate, we'll attack your sexy lil Dennerle Nano!
I've got some Rotala sp. Pearl (Mini 1) and could spare you some mate if you want a truly micro stem? It's very slow growing though for me! Might work well with the scale.
Ed Seeley said:
I've got some Rotala sp. Pearl (Mini 1) and could spare you some mate if you want a truly micro stem? It's very slow growing though for me! Might work well with the scale.
Sorry Ed, i must have missed your reply. If you have some spare that would be great, cheers!
SteveUK said:
I want to sleep with that hardscape :lol:
Any time mate, you know where i live :lol:
Any updates on this Dan? I'm watching carefully since I have no tanks of my own for the first time in 2 years.
Hi mate, it doesn't really do anything LOL

I've put some tennelus in the back right but thats about it, i'll get a photo up asap!

I've also added 6 Rasbora maculata and they rock!
haha, too few plants, that's what that means. 😛
Yeah, they're a nice fish those. I always fancied some, I've been looking at nano fish a lot recently and I don't think anything else would suit the tank as well as those, just the right amount of red.
Just a quick update, not much really, it still doesn't do much but i'm happy to leave it like it is, it rocks LOL The HC hasn't done great, it's going but just not great, it'll be my hap-hazzard dosing :lol: The fish love it in there though.
Dan Crawford said:
Just a quick update, not much really, it still doesn't do much but i'm happy to leave it like it is, it rocks LOL The HC hasn't done great, it's going but just not great, it'll be my hap-hazzard dosing :lol: The fish love it in there though.

Wow, it feels like ages ago since we did this mate. It looks the same, apart from some floaters, lol. Still really cool though mate. 8)
Sell me it?
I still love it Dan, I can't help but think it should have a ton of plant mass by now thought lol.
Graeme Edwards said:
Dan Crawford said:
Just a quick update, not much really, it still doesn't do much but i'm happy to leave it like it is, it rocks LOL The HC hasn't done great, it's going but just not great, it'll be my hap-hazzard dosing :lol: The fish love it in there though.

Wow, it feels like ages ago since we did this mate. It looks the same, apart from some floaters, lol. Still really cool though mate. 8)
It was ages ago LOL the floters are just for fun.
Garuf said:
Sell me it?
I still love it Dan, I can't help but think it should have a ton of plant mass by now thought lol.
I can't mate, I love it too much!
Superman said:
How do you make sure that algae doesn't take over this tank with the low level of plant mass?
Well it's a testement to ADA I suppose? The range is very lean IMO. You can see some brown algae on the left pane but that's it. I bit on the hardscape mabye but it adds to the scape in my eyes. I've added some grading gravel from a bonsai store so hopefully that gather some alge and look a bit more natural.
Well heres an update, still very slow but really healthy. I've have a small amount of brown algae on the glass now and again but still no issues, i just love it, so easy 😀
I need to play around with the rocks since they have settled out, along with the substrate but i thought i'd take a picture since i had the camera out.
C. habrosus would love that little tank or bumble bee gobies.

Awesome setup. I like the low plant mass. My 10g has a low plant mass as well, because I have stretches of sand for the catfish. Great hardscape, looks like Western dessert. :thumbup:
I really like the fact that you haven't used many plants here too - it looks really natural.
I assume you will be taking this one also to the FOF??? would look ace in the stand 😉