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Dan's Little Mountain replacement

George Farmer said:
Get them clear pipes cleaned you lazy sod!! :lol:

Love it mate. Slow and steady wins the race... 😉

oi! LOL I cleaned them that day, just can't get rid of it!
LondonDragon said:
I assume you will be taking this one also to the FOF??? would look ace in the stand 😉
yeah man 😉
Dan Crawford said:
oi! LOL I cleaned them that day, just can't get rid of it!
Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say...!

Seriously though it's quite interesting (if you're a bit sad, like me).

I love all the clear stuff on ADA-style gear - clear silicon, clear tubing, glass everything, but some of it does stain and there's almost nothing you can do about it.

Question is - does 'stained clear' look better or worse than another colour?

I personally like the translucent grey tubing supplied with TetraTec and JBL filters. It's not clear, but it's not a gaudy green either... It's a decent compromise in IMHO.

I digress.

Looks ace mate. Should be a real hit at the Festival of UKAPS....whoops... I meant Fishkeeping.
George Farmer said:
Question is - does 'stained clear' look better or worse than another colour?
I recon the translucent stuff is best if your not prepared to change the hose every 3 months, if you are, then clear is the future!
George Farmer said:
Festival of UKAPS....whoops... I meant Fishkeeping.
Ha ha, quality! and right too 😀
I guess it doesn't matter too much, as for final shots you'd generally take all of your equipment out 🙂

And by "equipment" I mean all of your glassware, in case anyone's mind is elsewhere :sick: 🙄 :lol:
I hope no one else has asked this; which version of the aquasoil did you make use of and how are you finding it? Any 'dust' come up when it was first set-up?

Hi Neil, i used old Tropica, capped with old AquaSoil Powder, topped with new AquaSoil powder and then sand. I've had no clouding on this tank when doing normal maintenance etc, i did however ruin the last scape when i had the filter inlet and outlet the wrong way round turned the filter on. To say it got dusty is an understatement but TBF, thats to be expected after such a school boy move :lol:

Here is the tank that i'll be entering in the AGA
It's the slowest growing tank in the world! Here are some shots from along the way, over a period of SEVEN, yes, SEVEN months!

March - Setup
Dan, the photos looks great! Congratulations.

Are you happy with this kind of pipe?

i choose a different inlet (jet) for my 20liter nano, as that not rob too much from the scape and fits nicely to a small aquarium like this.

otherwise stunning! we will meet in the competition :geek: :wave:
Thanks Victor. Yes, i'm very happy with the cal Aqua Glasswear, I have three sets now.

Could you give me a link to your type?

Good luck in the AGA, i don't think i'll do very well this year, certainly when it's up against your tank! I think i'll enter my 80cm too but thats not finished either 🙁
Dan Crawford said:
Thanks Victor. Yes, i'm very happy with the cal Aqua Glasswear, I have three sets now.

Could you give me a link to your type?

Good luck in the AGA, i don't think i'll do very well this year, certainly when it's up against your tank! I think i'll enter my 80cm too but thats not finished either 🙁

Nah, your tank looks natural i like it. i also do not think i will do well but this is not about winning. more about getting our tanks in the right shape at the right time. otherwise this is fun. so good luck for you too Dan 🙂

on the glasses i wanted a lilly too but most of them uses too much space. then i came to the jet type:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/viktorlant ... 1/sizes/o/
this gives a strong flow however to only one direction. (not like lily). but works on mine. anyway just wanted to share this with you. This is the one i use: http://www.thegreenmachineaquatics.com/ ... %28JP-1%29

maybe more expensive than CAL, but if you have a chance you should check this.
Fair play Victor, your doing it for ADA! Your tank looks awesome :shock:

I saw that Do!Aqua pipe at TGM at the weekend, I might have to invest, Solar 1 first 8)
That's a very tasteful and subtle piece of design, I love it !
The growth may be slow, but I still think it's a real acheivement to keep such a small tank going for 7 months.

James Marshall said:
That's a very tasteful and subtle piece of design, I love it !
The growth may be slow, but I still think it's a real acheivement to keep such a small tank going for 7 months.
awww thanks mate 😳

Only just seen this thread, Really like it, For me its the attention to detail it looks very natural.
That must of taken some time to create! Good luck with the comp.

I have just got a shoal of the same fish (boraras maculatus) for my Kitchen tank, they are v nice fish.
Dan Crawford said:
Hi Neil, i used old Tropica, capped with old AquaSoil Powder, topped with new AquaSoil powder and then sand. I've had no clouding on this tank when doing normal maintenance etc, i did however ruin the last scape when i had the filter inlet and outlet the wrong way round turned the filter on. To say it got dusty is an understatement but TBF, thats to be expected after such a school boy move :lol:

Ahh I get it! So its Amazonia capped with sand of 2 different colours? I thought the darker sand was something like AS Malaya. This is helpful to me as I was going to go in for Malaya for my own tank to get that 'sandy' look but was wondering how the plants would do with lower nutrients from the soil.
Still maintain you should have sold it to me! Lovely tank Dan you should be proud, after Saintly's last tank this is my favourite on here!
Thanks for all the nice comments guys, it means a lot.

How long did it take? With the help of Brother Edwards, it was less than an hour 😀 Graeme has a great eye for detail so i can't take all the credit.
George Farmer said:
Nice final photo mate... 😉
Well, with a 50D and studio lighting you can do anything when your this good :lol: George took the final photo folks. :clap: I don't do anything on my own