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Dan's Little Mountain replacement

Amazing hardscape!
Might I suggest using a little Utricularia graminifolia, it has a tendency to grow in a "flowing"
pattern which I think would suit this aquascape well.
Jan Ove
Hi guys, thanks for the kind comments.
JanOve said:
Might I suggest using a little Utricularia graminifolia, it has a tendency to grow in a "flowing"
pattern which I think would suit this aquascape well.
Thanks for the suggestion and i thought of that too but i've grown it before and i think i'll be a bit big for this tank, it was too big when i used it before and thats why i scrapped it. I've got a little bit left and may give it a go, i'm going to be trying all sorts LOL
Woop woop. Some times your just plain and simply happy about putting your name to something. Me and Dan got way to excited about doing this. Dans face when I positioned the small peices of wood and the pebbles was worth taking a picture of.lol
Its down to Danny boy to plant this up like a true artist, easy peasy Lionel squeezy. 8)
Sweet little nano.
Its not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean....lol

Glad you lot are getting as excited as me and my Pal where.
Hi Dan,i am coming over to see this little beauty just try and stop me,awesome mate well nice,i can see super Gs input in there too, regards john
Dan Crawford said:
FIltration: Fluval 105 with Cal Aqua pipe work.

Any thoughts and critiques welcome.

Cheers, Dan.

Are you sure about using glass, Dan? I reckon some nice green plastic pipework would be much better. :lol:

Dave Spencer said:
Dan Crawford said:
FIltration: Fluval 105 with Cal Aqua pipe work.

Any thoughts and critiques welcome.

Cheers, Dan.

Are you sure about using glass, Dan? I reckon some nice green plastic pipework would be much better. :lol:


Yeh after all green is good :lol: :lol: John.
Dave Spencer said:
Are you sure about using glass, Dan? I reckon some nice green plastic pipework would be much better. :lol:
LOL @ Dave you nutter! Spoke with Graham today at TGM and he wasnt joking when he said theyd created a little juwel of a setup at the weekend. looking forward to seeing it planted up 😀
Can we have a top down view please? I'm really struggling to understand the depth of the tank. 😳
Aeropars said:
It almost seems a shame to put any plant in there!
Thats what I was thinking too!! Some nice Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp and Sulawesi Snails in there and it would be a perfect home for them.
Graeme Edwards said:
Ive never seen them Paulo, what do they look like?

Hi Graeme, a photo from my shrimp tank journal 😉 more in there:

And the snail species are pretty amazing too:




there are some even more colourfull:



Sweet,those shrimp are very very nice. Where did you get them from?
Snails look cool too. I wonder how macro those shots are though.Can you see all that detail with the naked eye?

Im sure dan has his own ideas though.