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Dan's Little Mountain replacement

zig said:
Looks fab, its very well done.
From Amano's favorite tank winner? I'm happy with that! Thanks pal 😀
Joecoral said:
Thanks Joe, did you see my reflection then? :lol: :lol: :lol:
hope that wallichi comes good, it looks great with fossilised wood, and will really set of off that amazing scape.

b e a utiful 8)
Did you consider HM or MU? They're much bushier but rather than contrasting the other plants hormanises with the hc. Also, I find the spiky plants compliment the scape and I feel that the back ground plants might look better if they contrast it.
That's fair enough mate, just throwing ideas out there. 🙂
I'd suggest other Rotallas but they're bigger still, how about more hairgrass, it'd be easier than managing stems all the time?
My experience with E.t would say that given 4 weeks you would be hating it. It's a real menace in smaller tanks. One of the lilinopsis species? They're slower growing and therefore more easily managed?
I'd be tempted to just go for hairgrass and keep the number of plant species' low, added bonus would be I think it'd suit the scape. How about U.g mixed with hairgrass, that would work well too.
Cheers mate, I have some L. brasiliensis but its too short, I could try L. mauritiana but i certainly don't have any. I'm off to TGM tomorrow/Friday so no doubt i'll come back with something, plus i need some Brightly K and Step 1 🙄 oh, and Green Bacter and Green Gain :lol: that'll be the whole range then, how posh am i? :lol:
I think you're just trying to rile me knowing I'm a student with no money. 😛
I'd go for L. M if you don't like it it's only a small tank and won't take much to change it.
I've torn down my iwagumi that I'd had dryscaped to see if I could live with in inspiration, I just wish I had some of that tiny wood and stone.
Garuf said:
I think you're just trying to rile me knowing I'm a student with no money.
Ha ha ha 😀
I'll have a go at the Lilliopsis, I'm away as of tomorrow till next week so i'll have a play then. Thanks mate.
Good call, it's petrified wood isn't it you've used? I might invest.
I'll try and track some down, I'm loving the textures and colour. The more I look the more I like it.
Just a thought, how about crypt parva? or too big?
I'm glad your liking it, one of the hardest to please on here LOL
C. parva may be the right size but maybe not the right "style" Some tiny specimens may work well but maybe not long lerm. I'll route around my other tanks for a possible specimen, or grab some from TGM. Thanks mate, food for thought.