Please forgive my ignorance, I'm trying to get my head around how this all works. Is the purpose of putting the plants in the bucket to increase their growth, whilst I wait for my tank? Would this potentially increase the growth of beneficial bacteria? Could I then do a somewhat shortened dark start? Possibly halve the time, do a large WC and plant heavily with the stem plants? I'm assuming these plants would help with the nitrogen cycle and essentially cleaning the water. After allowing these plants to establish, would it then be feasible to plant slower growing plants? Please do let me know if I'm completely wrong.Here's a tip to speed up cycling. Buy some weed-like stem plants first. Fill a 20 litre bucket of water. dump the plants into the bucket, letting them float is fine (more access to CO2 at the surface)
Nutrient removal by Rotala rotundifolia: a superior candidate for ecosystem remediation at low temperatures - PMC
Temperature is an extremely important factor affecting the nutrient (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) removal of aquatic macrophytes. A novel submersed Rotala rotundifolia was separately cultivated at room and low temperatures to investigate its
Have a look at some material of using aquatic plants for phytoremediation . These plants are so tough scientists are more worried that these plants are unkillable and become an invasive species 🙂
That is a really interesting paper. I quite like the look of Rotala rotundifolia, so it could potentially serve a dual purpose.
Would the amount of light the tank receives determine whether or not it can be left uncovered? The room which my tank will be in, receives a lot of natural light (not direct light). So, I'm wondering if it would be best to keep my tank covered?The dark start is a way for you to get passed the more chaotic days of the setup period without worrying about triggering algae. But in my experience, not having the tank lights on was enough, no need for a blanket. Also, two weeks is probably enough if you are in a hurry, it is still two weeks safer than having the lights on from day one. It doesn’t need to be planting on day one vs planting after months, everything in between exists and the benefits are proportional to how long you wait. That’s how I see it, anyways.
If I were to do a 2 week dark start, at the end of that time, would it be recommended to do a full (or near full) WC? After this, would I then heavily plant my tank, and do regular 50% WC?