Today while I worked on other stuff in the background, I got a full* PH profile done 😊
(*Well, full enough, I dont need to be there to physically watch the CO2 turn on at the crack of dawn 😋).
Time: PH: Notes:
06 00 N/A Skimmer off, CO2 on
08 00 7.02
08 30 6.98
09 00 6.95
09 30 6.94 Light ramp start
10 00 6.93 Light on full
10 30 6.92
11 00 6.92
11 30 6.92
12 00 6.92
12 30 6.93 Plants get going?
13 00 6.94
13 30 6.94
14 00 6.95
14 30 6.95
15 00 6.96
15 30 6.96
16 00 6.97
16 30 6.98
17 00 6.99
17 30 6.99
18 00 7.00 Light ramp start
18 15 N/A CO2 off (after today im moving it to 18 00)
18 30 7.05 Light off, skimmer on
19 00 7.14
It seems pretty solid to me, stays nicely within 0.1 variation. The lid was off the tank for a couple of quick occasions mid photoperiod, but it doesnt seem to have bothered the tank.
Depending on how picky I am, it looks like I could shave off a bit of the CO2 ramp up time.
Not sure whether to consider below 7.0 "dropped enough" on this profile, or when it stabilizes at 6.92. 🤔
Im also curious that it rises slowly throughout the photoperiod. I thought PH profiles usually drop slowly? Or am I totally misremembering that?
Im a little bit unsure of the degassed sample. There is a shallow container in the kitchen that says "degas" on it, but I honestly cant remember if it was sampled from yesterday's tank water, or if it was grabbed this morning

In our poorly ventilated kitchen this sample read 8.15. I let the PH pen sit in it for a good while before I took the reading. That would be a difference of 1.23.
Since I wasnt sure when this first sample was taken, and I also wanted something actively degassed with outside air, I grabbed a new one.
Shook it in a container outside, letting uhhhh.. "fresh city air" in a few times between shakings.
I cant remember what the deal is with 3 ppm, 4 ppm or whatever city/global warming is doing to CO2 but this sample read 8.6 a few moments after I got inside again with it.
I let it sit on the counter in the same sh*tty kitchen for a bit, when I came back it was 8.55. Another while passes, 8.41. I
knew the air in our apartment was stanky

If 8.6 is the maximum outgassed value, the total drop today was 1.68. TBH I dont really care that much any more which particular one it is, its stable and thats the important part.
So far it seems that the makeshift combo of Jebao Overcompensator-5000 and the noisy Yidao reactor might be just fine for the tank for the time being.
Now I have to make sure the day to day stability is good too (Thanks
@22802 for making me more aware of this aspect of stability 😊)
Im a little confused though, because I did get a partial profile done yesterday, before it was interrupted by errands.
11 03 2023
Time: PH: Notes:
07 00 N/A Skimmer off, CO2 on
09 30 N/A Light ramp start
10 00 N/A Light on full
11 23 6.14
12 00 6.16
12 30 6.17
13 00 6.18
13 30 6.21
14 00 6.22
17 30 N/A CO2 off
17 44 6.4
18 00 6.46 Light ramp start
18 30 6.56 Light off, skimmer on
19 00 6.67
19 30 6.77
20 00 6.87
01 00 7.54
That one seemed to ride a solid bit lower than this one

Unfortunately I didnt catch the time of the drop or the level before the gas turned off, missed it by like 16 minutes 😅
Small note, yesterday the gas came on an hour later than today, that 3 hour ramp time is what it has had since I switched from CO2 spray bar to Yidao Reactor.
CO2 also was set to turn off at 17:30, but I see that with this setup the levels rise again rapidly after the gas turns off, but that was also changed for today.
Its possible that the water level was slightly higher yesterday (lower offgassing), thats the only way I can really make sense of it.
(I dont remember if I topped it off either after, heck. That would have added some fresh KH too).
Speaking of that day to day stability, in that fateful november month I also got an AutoTopOff 😃👍
Yesterday I picked up a nice 25 liter water barrel, so I should set up the ATO as soon as practical, so it can keep my water level consistent. (Probably wont fill the barrel all the way for safety reasons).
The custom lids have helped massively with evaporation, but they cant do anything about me stealing a liter of tank water here and there for various shenanigans.
The ATO is gonna be a lifesaver in the summer months 😊