Some random notes
Still seeing brown algae on some plant leaves, im definitely suspecting the Osmocote now, for some reason my gut instinct is saying ammonia.
Hard to say exactly why, I think my subconscious has performed some strange meta analysis of everything ive read and decided this is a likely cause.
Brown algae usually in immature tanks -> immature tanks usually have ammonia + sudden extra happiness of plants (from easily edible source?) <- newly added osmocote. Hrm.
Also getting staghorn on some leaves, even after I did a big clear-out of algae affected leaves.
Staghorn makes me think organics, decay, again ammonia

Is there actually a pattern here or am I "seeing faces in the clouds".
I could uproot everything in that corner and extract the osmocote, but do I want to?
The Cryptocoryne 'Tiger' is in the process of putting out a new leaf and im reluctant to disturb it.
Blyxa has also finally rooted in a bit and growing some bigger leaves. Uprooting them would set the plants back to start again.
I could ride out the algae bloom, if the cause is what I think. The Osmocote is a
6 month one, but I doubt it will last that long underwater.
So we're looking at maybe a few more months?
Havent decided yet.
Will give myself a final deadline of deciding before the CO2 goes on, Im planning to get as many Hufsa-shenanigans out of the way before the gas as possible.
Ive got most of the CO2 gear at the moment, although a critical piece is still missing,
the reactor.
This one is coming
from China, meaning not any time soon. (Note to self: Check insurance covers water damage)
But its good that the reactor wont be here for a while, it gives me time to get everything sorted while I wait.
I feel like ive started my CO2 injection journey at the least normal end of things possible, by deciding which reactor to buy and then working my way back from there to the normal starting point. Ive gone terribly over budget, and spent 4 times what I had planned on this kit

These new toys better keep me entertained for a while or I will be terribly upset! Just imagine all the kinds of algae I will be able to grow..
I havent forgotten my fish in all of this, their safety is one of the reasons the budget had to stretch a bit.
I didnt want to buy some cheap poor quality stuff that will fail and dump a bunch of CO2 into the tank or something else catastrophic.
Ive pondered if they would be safer being rehomed, but im not convinced they would neccessairly be better off with the average aquarist either.
It would be down to luck what kind of fishkeeper they end up with.
Im planning to stay well below the "maximum" levels, this should make the system a little less fragile. The added risk of the injected CO2 is definitely something that is weighing heavily on me. I hope I can strike a balance where the increased plant growth will be a bonus to the fish while I do my best to lessen the risks.
I havent decided exactly what level to go for, I need to do more research..
With all the things Im feeling I need to prepare and nail down before I start injected CO2, I find myself appreciating low tech in a way I havent before.
If I want to change my filter outlet layout and end up leaving one blasting randomly into a sideglass because I got exhausted halfway through, I can do that.
You can mess with the lights, you can mess with the ferts, you can do a lot of stuff and the worst you will get is a little bit of algae really.
Pretty much anything that messes with the offgassing and surface of the tank will be a no-no once I take the plunge.
Or well, if I do I will need to get the CO2 just right all over again.
It probably sounds like injected CO2 is a terrible idea for me but I am also really excited to see what my plants will say.
Im excited to be able to try more plants with the confidence that they will probably be alright in a CO2 enriched system.
I am also really looking forward being able to share mosses and buces and cuttings from plants that will probably be of better health than what I grow so far.
It will make demands but hopefully also give back.
I will end this boring post with a picture of what I think is Plagiothecium undulatum, a sample of which just graduated from the cups and is in the tank somewhere trying its best. It doesnt look quite the same underwater unfortunately, but it has been growing so far.
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