Latest full tank shot and series down the length of the tank. Since the last update I started taking off floating leaves from the lillies late Nov and have let the Bacopa and Myriophyllum take over the main section, have added some more Crinum calimastratum, a couple of java fern and had a complete re-scape of the far right with another big bit of wood. That side is still work in progress. I rather like the look of having the red lilly pads poking out of the sea of green, inspired by the Lufubu River video posted some time ago.
Also done a lot of work on the filtration and electrics to make space in the cabinet for toys (!).
Not much change in the fish over the last few months. I have lost 3-4 fish other than the Trachyglanis and moved the Enigmatochromis to another tank, added a small group of the Aphyosemion exigoideum but no major purchases.
I need to complete growing in the right hand side and may add a few crypts to add some more interest in the fore/mid ground (moving further from the original biotope plan,
but can’t really find anything congo to do the same job).
The tank still feels lightly stocked. Top of my list is a large group of lampeyes. Really want something a bit more unusual than the classic normani, but may give up and buy 30 normani at some point. I also want to add to my group of aurantiacus, and am contemplating another cichlid species. Perhaps something a bit bigger like Pelmatochromis, Congolapia or Hemichromis.