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Congo Swamp Monster (750l biotope)


Latest full tank shot and series down the length of the tank. Since the last update I started taking off floating leaves from the lillies late Nov and have let the Bacopa and Myriophyllum take over the main section, have added some more Crinum calimastratum, a couple of java fern and had a complete re-scape of the far right with another big bit of wood. That side is still work in progress. I rather like the look of having the red lilly pads poking out of the sea of green, inspired by the Lufubu River video posted some time ago.

Also done a lot of work on the filtration and electrics to make space in the cabinet for toys (!).

Not much change in the fish over the last few months. I have lost 3-4 fish other than the Trachyglanis and moved the Enigmatochromis to another tank, added a small group of the Aphyosemion exigoideum but no major purchases.

I need to complete growing in the right hand side and may add a few crypts to add some more interest in the fore/mid ground (moving further from the original biotope plan,
but can’t really find anything congo to do the same job).

The tank still feels lightly stocked. Top of my list is a large group of lampeyes. Really want something a bit more unusual than the classic normani, but may give up and buy 30 normani at some point. I also want to add to my group of aurantiacus, and am contemplating another cichlid species. Perhaps something a bit bigger like Pelmatochromis, Congolapia or Hemichromis.
Nice picture of your plata.
The fish is definitely a male.
The species is Plataplochilus les Saras aff. ngaensis. Remember that the incubation of the eggs is approximately 4-5 weeks.
So the chance of discovery by hungry fish is big. The fry need paramecidium the first days.
Greeting John.
Thanks John. Lovely video. Would love to get hold of more of the Platas. I’ll need to keep an eye on all the killi egg trading boards!
Also like your exigodeium aphyosemion, very nice fish. Tank looks even better with the small plant changes, nice work.
Also saw the little bike in front of your tank, creating space under your tank is for a car garage or a doll house?
I am not going to breed with the plata this spring. The parents are retired and for the young ones spring will be a bit early.

Greetings John.
Ha. Under the tank is a dolls house, a zoo for cuddly animals, bike parking, car parking, a football locker, artist materials storage and a cache of plastic projectiles....
Thanks all. I’m quite happy with it and have achieved most of what I wanted to. Don’t have any major plans at this point.

I want to swap the fern on top of the tree trunk and continue to build out the emersed growth.

On the fishy front, I have lost a few of the original louessense killies (still have some of their babies, now grown up) and will add some more killies at some point. Again, nothing much planned! Still tempted by Hemichromis, but suspect Id then have to move the Congochromis and possibly the Pelvicachromis out.
Seen this?:

I hadn’t! Thanks so much for sharing. I loved it.

The tank is ticking along. It has been a bit neglected with the arrival of our third child earlier this year, and has some algae problems - I think from filter maintenance getting too infrequent and detritus trapped in the ‘hill’ on the left. Circulation has never been great.

I’ve been thinking about what to do next with the tank and will probably do a full rescape at some point late this year or early next.

I’m thinking take out the hill add two gyre pumps at each end and one more big bit of wood and make a lot more open space between islands of plants made from Nymphaea, Anubias and Myriophyllum. probably looking Would really like to find a Central African alternative to the Cryptocoryne, but haven’t been successful. Ideas very welcome! There is something that would fit the bill in the video mixed in with Nymphaea but have no idea what it is.
Central African alternative to the Cryptocoryne

I think the closest you can get is the Otellia ulvifolia, the Crinium natans and C. calamistratum. 🙂
I thought there might be some residual interest in my Congo project...?

I have now completed a massive rescape after a combination of new baby driven poor maintenance, a stupid original design decision (the rock like on the left trapped detritus at massive volumes), a power cut whilst on holiday and a slightly psychopathic breeding pair of jewel cichlids completely f’ed the tank.

I packed the family off for the weekend did a solid 16 hours of work to take out all the rocks, wood and plants, about half the substrate and completely re did everything.

I’m happy. Should be much easier to maintain and has a lot more swimming space... still a bit to do. Want to put in a couple of stem plant bunches and some more houseplants in shower caddies at the back..
