Petra R
That is just stunning!!
Thank you Petra!That is just stunning!!
Looking good. I like the difference of the dark spot under the lilly and the dense growth on the right side, i think the fish will too. I would keep it like that.
Still think a group of African Butterflies would look stunning. Simply drifting amongst the Lilly Pads. Great fun to watch them eating mealworms and Hoppers.
hi what is the little plant with the single round disc shaped leaf? Ta.
What is the plant amongst the Crinum natans? Looks like a limnophila or a water violet?
What is the plant amongst the Crinum natans? Looks like a limnophila or a water violet?
Looks pretty wild...Only thing that distrcacts me is that television above it..
How about a gaint poster like this?...
Is it an African species?It is Myriophyllum
Is it an African species?