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Cloudy Water Hazy Water and Algae!

That is why I like the <"Duckweed Index"> you just watch the plants - <"Duckweed Index questions"> and from there you make all your decisions <"based on plant growth">.
This is what i want to learn just to reading properly from plants. And i think i will print some things to have little cheat sheet under my hand.
Your tap water is moderately hard and nitrate (NO3) rich, this means that you can add less of @GHNelson 's fertiliser and you may have issues with iron availability, @keef321 is your best bet for information. He has <"seen it, done it"> and now has the tee-shirt.
I want to try them with that calculator to make proper calculations but I don't have an excel for the moment.

Thank you
I have been watching lots of youtubers, many of them warning about phospates and nitrates that they are algae creators.
The only algae creator is a tank full of water. I mean, whatever conditions you create, some algae species will like it.
Yes, in the nature, if nitrogen and/or phosphorus are elevated (mostly due human activity) algae regularly proliferate to an unbearable degree. In our tanks, for whatever (unknown) reasons, it's not the case. Not necessarily.
I've got ten tanks at this moment. Of them, one is currently infested by green thread algae. It happens to be the tank with the lowest content of nutrients among my tanks.
but first i will have to get Excel
I'm not sure of all the correct lingo but there is a free version on One Drive. I have used it in the past but cannot remember exactly how. I think you just drag the IFC file into the 'View Online', I'm sure someone more qualified than me will chip in if you're interested in going down this route.
The only algae creator is a tank full of water. I mean, whatever conditions you create, some algae species will like it.
Yes, in the nature, if nitrogen and/or phosphorus are elevated (mostly due human activity) algae regularly proliferate to an unbearable degree. In our tanks, for whatever (unknown) reasons, it's not the case. Not necessarily.
I've got ten tanks at this moment. Of them, one is currently infested by green thread algae. It happens to be the tank with the lowest content of nutrients among my tanks.
In fact, i was always be afraid to use some more ferts as because i was afraid i will get boom algae bloom. I have been dosing some of them, but what i from all of this what you saying, it was definitely too less. Someone told me once, that if i want really plant grwoth, the water must be "dirty" and you calling it rich in minerals.

Thank you
I'm not sure of all the correct lingo but there is a free version on One Drive. I have used it in the past but cannot remember exactly how. I think you just drag the IFC file into the 'View Online', I'm sure someone more qualified than me will chip in if you're interested in going down this route.
Well i will try to do this as i am in front of my comp now. If not then i will try get office licence on g2a.com, there you can get software, i maybe try office but older version.

Well i will try to do this as i am in front of my comp now. If not then i will try get office licence on g2a.com, there you can get software, i maybe try office but older version.
Just bear in mind the IFC will possibly not work with versions older than 2016.
Hi guys,

Could you just help me with recognise about that solufeed 2:1:4 and Solufeed TEC.
Is that blue powder Soolufeed 2:1 :4 ?
And brown is Solufeed TEC ?

And i am looking for it in IFC Calculator and there are:
Solufeed Sodium Free TEC-SF
Solufeed Sodium Free TEC
Solufeed Sodium Free Coir TEC

Could you help me guys, which one shall use for that blue powder and which one for that brown? 😀

Thank you,
Sorry mate, is it not on there....Im having problems with the internet connection! 🙁🙄
Yes i have the same problem with coonnection to ukaps.org. It doesn't happen on the other sites like youtube etc...

Thank you
Under what name it is in IFC Calculator because I have been looking for it everywhere in it?
Not 100% sure if I'm honest if this got added to the calculator, would need @Zeus. Or @Hanuman to confirm.
I do know solufeed 4:1:2 is in there.

Edit: Scratch that it is in the calculator.

Thread 'Solufeed 2:1:4 - IFC - low on P,K,Ca - user error?' Solufeed 2:1:4 - IFC - low on P,K,Ca - user error?
Last edited:
Hi all,
I am doing right now water change and decide to leave that shrimp king minerals.

I just want to mix RO with Tap water 50/50.

My tds is showing in 10 litres bucket of tap water ~250.

So i expect mixing it with it Tap Water it will be ~130

But the old water as you can in photo is green. I just took out 2 buckets like that.

Unfortunately i don't have potassium sorbate to use solufeed TEC as Micro.

So i wil continue for now with colombo flora grow . I will dose 4 pumps as it says 1pump per 5 litre... i think...

According to IFC calcuator i could make dry dosing of that solufeed TEC to have 0.4mg/l Fe.,.. but still i don't know if i calculated it properly.

I just put 90l volume tank in IFC
Tap Water 10L
RO 10l

then on core setttings i put all values tap water from my supllier which is anglian water.

Actually i am thinking if should i dose anything if i have green bloom water...

Thank you


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But the old water as you can in photo is green. I just took out 2 buckets like that.
That looks like suspended algae to me. Something is wrong there between light, nutrients,etc.

I'll allow others with more nutrient/plant/algae expertise than I have to answer!
That looks like suspended algae to me. Something is wrong there between light, nutrients,etc.

I'll allow others with more nutrient/plant/algae expertise than I have to answer!
Then I don't know what really i suppose to do... I slowly giving up... I can do ages water changes like that... and still be a problem with cloudy, hazy or green water...