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Best value for money fish food

I use coarse prefilter sponges too, but man...is it hard to get all those tiny shrimplets out of it when cleaning it. They live literally inside of it. If I put less coarser sponge then the filter flow slows down way too fast for my liking.
But yes, they really help reduce the amount of cleaning needed of the filters themselves.

My next food shopping is definitely going to be ta-aquaculture as well. Nice stuff.
I use Live and frozen
Oh no Darrel, now the clouds of fish health paranoia are gathering.

Please enlighten/scare me 😉
Hi all,
Oh no Darrel, now the clouds of fish health paranoia are gathering.
Please enlighten/scare me
It is anecdotal for me, because I've never fed frozen or commercially produced blood worms, but we've had a bit of a discussion about this on both the "BCA forum" & "Apistogramma forum" where some of the participants are very experienced fish keepers and breeders. <http://www.britishcichlid.org.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=4352> & <http://www.apistogramma.com/forum/threads/i-killed-my-apistogramma.7600/>.

cheers Darrel
I'm completely paranoid about any live food, even stuff I've cultured in back garden. Last summer I introduced an internal parasite through either daphnia (starter was a bag from MA)/ mosquito larvae / earthworm or blood worm. It took out diamond tetras and neon tetras one at a time. Since then I've gone completely homemade using this recipe:


the results are awesome, I've been feeding it exclusively for nearly a year and the fish go crazy for it everyday. It works out ridiculously cheap too!
Nice recipe Natureboy. I recently made my own recipe too and like you say, the fish go mad for it, not like with regular commercial food. It's a feeding frenzy! Silly cheap as well. Like you it's cost me about a fiver for an easy 4 months worth. It was mainly meant just for my discus but they all love it. I recommend anyone giving homemade a go anyway.

My recipe, if you (or anyone for that matter lol) wants to give it a go. I was going to add paprika, but went in the cupboard thinking I'd got some and hadn't.

350g Beef Heart
150g Prawns
32g Spinach
20g Flakes
10g Oatmeal
2 Cloves of garlic

I trimmed all the beef heart of sinew, fat and all the nasty looking bits and passed it through a grinder once. Finely chopped the prawns, garlic, oatmeal and spinach, then added it to the beef heart along with the flakes. I then passed it through the grinder once more.

I put it into ice cube trays thinking one cube would be one days supply, this ended up being far too much. I ended up chopping the frozen cubes into quarters. I just put it in a little pot to defrost and serve using a little piece of a bamboo skewer.
So I stuffed a small cutting of coarse sponge into my filter inlet cage yesterday. Today the filter has a lot more air in it than usual. If I shake it around, loads of air bubbles come through the spray bar. Is this caused by adding the pre- filter onto the intake?
So I stuffed a small cutting of coarse sponge into my filter inlet cage yesterday. Today the filter has a lot more air in it than usual. If I shake it around, loads of air bubbles come through the spray bar. Is this caused by adding the pre- filter onto the intake?
You didn't compress it too much did you?

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So I stuffed a small cutting of coarse sponge into my filter inlet cage yesterday. Today the filter has a lot more air in it than usual. If I shake it around, loads of air bubbles come through the spray bar. Is this caused by adding the pre- filter onto the intake?

It's cavitation due to lack of flow. Anything that reduces flow like dirty pipes can do the same thing. Try wrapping foam around the intake cage - it should be less restrictive
I will probably just remove the sponge entirely. I am going away on holiday for a week in about a week. I can't risk the filter stopping running if the sponge clogs up. All the fish would die if that happened.
I understand the concern. A bigger pre filter should actually buy you more time due to increased surface area. Try it when you're back from ya hols 😎
I'm completely paranoid about any live food, even stuff I've cultured in back garden. Last summer I introduced an internal parasite through either daphnia (starter was a bag from MA)/ mosquito larvae / earthworm or blood worm. It took out diamond tetras and neon tetras one at a time. Since then I've gone completely homemade using this recipe:


the results are awesome, I've been feeding it exclusively for nearly a year and the fish go crazy for it everyday. It works out ridiculously cheap too!
When I tried this I found it left in the tank too many little pieces of food ( it was not frozen, jus the fresh jelly). I added the vegetables I had, frozen live food, standard fish food, etc. Next time I will dehydrate it, this way fish will probably will finish the pellet before it gets broken into tiny pieces. Have you tried it?


haven't needed to, everything gets eaten. did you blend your mix in a food processor?