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Best value for money fish food

Hi all, Yes, I know they can be unattractive, but the advantages of a pre-filter are that they stop debris, fish food, fry, shrimps etc ending up in the filter.

The things you really want in the filter are ammonia and oxygen.

If you have a pre-filter sponge that you clean regularly filter maintenance is reduced.

Have a look here: <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/which-filter-for-a-60l-breeding-setup.23884/#post-244864>

cheers Darrel
I'll see what I can do... should the filter be pourus or fine? I have a old internal filter I no longer use, and might be able to fit the sponge from that...

The problem with stopping debris is how to get it out afterwards when you turn off the pump? My intake from the filter is tucked in the left corner ...
the advantages of a pre-filter are that they stop debris, fish food, fry, shrimps etc ending up in the filter....The things you really want in the filter are ammonia and oxygen.

If you have a pre-filter sponge that you clean regularly filter maintenance is reduced.

I fitted some open cell foam wrapped around my intake to my 2213. Filter maintenance has gone from weekly to monthly. I just turn the filter off pull off the intake end and give it a rinse out once a week.

As for ugly, I just stick it behind some plants/wood in a little open space
James, can you post a pic? You guys say open cell foam and I have no idea what that is... my hamburger language is different than your fish n' chips 😉[DOUBLEPOST=1404388571][/DOUBLEPOST]
H all,
I use coarse (PPI10), or medium (PPI20) sponge. Fine sponge (PPI30) needs cleaning every couple of days.
ah, that's more like it/... now i know what's needed 🙂
Syphon it out.
I'll try it... this weekend I was planning to play around with the filter, so I'll see what I can do 🙂 will take some tries I think
Do you think you could post a link as to what sponge you mean? I don't know what PPI10 means.
Ah right. So those ones in the photo are specifically designed to wrap around the intake pipe of the filter. Where can you buy them?
Not specially designed.......Any old PPI 10 foam will do. I bought a 6ft long, 1ft wide and 3 inch deep block off ebay for £8 🙂

Black disappears best I find
I would want black for sure.

But the one in the picture looks like it is shaped to fit around a pipe?
What the hell. The photo has changed now. That's a different image to the one I saw before.
I use very coarse sponge, just chop a piece off and put it in the cage of your intake
That's what I do too, using coarse black sponge, works just fine.

As for food, I feed Hikari algae wafers/sinking wafers/micro pellets, spirulina, Nutrafin Max, Tetra Prima, froz bloodworm/cyclops/daphnia and in summer, mosquito larvae and bloodworm from a tub i have ouside. Oh and vinegar eels I have in jars. Also courgettes and sweet peppers.
I guess the best value foods are the ones that you culture yourself 😉
You'll get longer service intervals if you wrap the intake with foam, rather than inserting it in the cage. Larger prefilter = longer cleaning intervals.

Hiding it away is another matter.........