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Barb Island. its all over.

Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. shrimp

well that sucks, came down this morning and wondered why my co2 wasnt on? it seems the leak i had on day one isnt fixed and another 10kg bottle empty in 2 weeks. Got another bottle from work today so will be leak hunting at midnight tonight after work!

I have switched all the lights off for the day until i find the bugger!!

really must find time to sort some updated pics.... really busy atm.
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. shrimp

10 kg? ! Not good. How you leak testing? I used olive oil , dabbed on the joints to check for bubbles.
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. 10kg co2, 14 days,that cant be r

easerthegeezer said:
All sorted, god bless leak detector spray it makes life too easy. Leak was at the solenoid.

That stuff is worth every penny 🙂 Glad you found the leak. Was it just a case of tightening the connection ?
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

So i received my hanna HI98129 PH/TDS meter and calibration solutions so it was looking forward to tracking what is happening with ph/co2 in the tank.

10.30am, No CO2 injection - 6.8
11.00, CO2 turns on
11.15 - 6.36
12.00 - 6.0
12.30, 2x24w T5 on - 5.81
1.30, 150w HQI on - 5.77
2.55- 5.94
3.45- 6.08
4.30, CO2 off- 6.12
5.30, HQI off 6.21

T5's lights go off at 6.30 so i will continue to measure thoughout the evening but not expecting anything unusual. Interested in peoples thoughts.......

So the ph has done what i guessed it should, ie co2 at its highest when the Halide comes on as the T5's are almost ambient light at 55cm from surface, so im happy with that, i am a little concerned that the ph drops so low.
Is a low of 5.77 seem unusual?

How accurate will the hanna meter be? I have read lots of good reports, anyone with some experience with this meter?

Re: Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

My PH dropping to 5.70 do not be concerned fish and shrimp are alright and Plants grow well
Re: Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

what fish are we talking about? My tank drops a full ph during co2 injection.
Re: Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

cardinals, harlequins, CPD's, choc gourami, crs, rcs, amano's or anything really... 5.7 is lower than every recommended ph value.

Im curious if this will affect their behaviour at all, as at lights on they are definately more shy than later in the period or is this more likely from low o2/high co2 from the night, before the plants start repiring o2 again?

either way i guess it is out of my control so best not to overthink it.
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

Don't worry about the ph drop mate, I had the same in my set up too with similar fish and chocolate gouramis. I remember one of Clive's articles where he showed that ph drops are nothing to worry about. I never saw any ill effect what so ever.

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Re: Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. PH/CO2 cycle

Cheers alistair, thats nice to know.

Well, i have been scratching my head a bit obver the last week or so... my foreground was a PITA! The vitro tennelus took 2 weeks to melt completely and to really show proper signs of new growth, now it is taking off, runners going all over the show. Sadly the glosso isnt doing so well, its quite happy growing straight up 🙁
Out came the scissors as i gave the glosso another good trim yesterday, replanted the cuttings and changed the co2 back over to the old trusty UP inline and upped the BPS. Even after 2 days i have horizontal growth on the glosso so with a little luck problem solved.
I also started to see some diatoms which i was hoping i had dodged and a tiny bit of GSA, hopefully the improved CO2 distribution will also sort that.
Thankfully im now at a point where any struggling old leaf on the microsorum and bolbitus has been cut away and plenty of new growth on every plant coming through.
With a little luck in a week or two i should see definate signs of the scape going the way i wish it too. I stil have wonky picture/camera issues that i need to sort this weekend so unable to get any pics up ATM.

One curiousity... as soon as i put the UP inline on my harlequins all started glass chasing under my powerhead?? up,down,up, down...... if i turn the powerhead off they swim away normally, quite why it started when the inline went on i have no idea!! They seems to have stopped today, just thought it was weird, stupid fish! :lol:
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. few pics

Little pic update, you might to able to guess im slightly obsessed with the chocolate gourami at the moment.




Hitchiker on the exposed wood, made himself a nice little web :lol:

This is my issue.. how/should i deal with the old tennelus from emersed form that is attracting algae?? If i want to get rid of just the dead leaf then the whole plant tends to come out, or should i just chop all of the tennelus back to the substrate?
Touch wood things are looking better by the day, wish i had put the inline atomiser on to start with!!

Will get a FTS up another time as i just trimmed all the stems etc and forgot to take one before 😳
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. few pics

Just chop the tennelus right back mate, it will soon grow new leaves and carpet pretty quick.
Love the pics of the chocs, can't wait to get mine back. They should hopefully get a little deeper in colour too then they really stand out.

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Re: Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. few pics

awtong said:
I am not a Gourami fan at all but those little blighters are superb!


they really are, i wont lie i absolutely lov 'um!! Friendliest fish ive ever had, contrary to most info as shy :lol:

Sadly, one gourami went carpet surfing 2 days ago, while its hard to tell i think it was the only male so im just going to have to buy a few more now 😉