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Barb Island. its all over.

Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. NA delivery, unreasonable?

Hope the Lighting arm arrives for you buddy, i was looking to buy a whole new set up from them but bit scared now. looking forward to the pics 🙂
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. NA delivery, unreasonable?

I dont think there is any reason to be concerned.. probably just my bad luck and maybe over reaction 🙂
The tanks etc are good prices but would be interested what shipping and taxes might be?
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. NA delivery, unreasonable?

could do mate, she needs a good run to france again....

Anyway, rhinox 5000 ceramic diffusors arrived this morning... they are the biggest diffusors i have ever seen, size of a tangerine!!!
I was going to run both in opposite corners but think one should be ample! oh well, makes cleaning easier having two 🙂
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite.

Do let us know soon as it arrives won't you. Im eager to see it 🙂
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. Stocking

Antipofish said:
Do let us know soon as it arrives won't you. Im eager to see it 🙂

if you mean the dissuser mike it has arrived already and is big! Too big!
The tank is set up for two smaller diffusers in opposite corners but bought them at 2am when tired and didnt really see how big they were... Ill run one and see how it goes.

I have been considering my stocking list... i have always wanted congo tetra so was hoping for 5 of them but i want RCS more as they are such good cleaners in large numbers.
Does anyone have any experience with congos and RCS together? Expensive food?
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. Congos and RCS??

somethingfishy said:
getting closer now bud bet you are itching to get elbow deep in plants 🙂

cant wait to pop over next week and have a look

Kettle's always on mate. :thumbup:
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. Congos and RCS??

I don't have any shrimp with my Congo's but you would want to keep at least a 2:1 ratio of females to males to spread out their breeding attention. Mine are getting reasonably large now and a couple of my females have shredded fins from boisterous males and I have 14 females to 7 males! They have coloured up a treat though.

As you are from Cambridge the MA at Scotsdales had some lovely Congo's recently.

Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. Congos and RCS??

I have had a few change of plans... i have decided that this time round i wont be having emergent growth. While it is still on my to do list i didnt feel that i had found the correct plants for the look i wanted so best to leave it this time. I still have quite a few plants in emergent form in the house so will continue to experiment.

Also decided against the congos this time too. Again, they will go into a scape another day (or another tank 🙂 ) I went to an LFS the other day and saw a few species that i hadnt seen in the flesh before that i think will fit quite nicely with the scape.

My opinion of NaturalAquario is pretty good now, while the light arm still hasnt arrived, they have been on the phone 3 or 4 times yesterday trying to find out whats happening. It seems the french didnt like it and have had it for 3 days, opened and unwrapped it all for security purposes. Now i can blame the french :lol:

I have relaid the tank for the last time and im pretty happy with the hardscape, im sure its not perfect but it pleases me and i have to look at it everyday.
Try to get some pictures up over the weekend.....
Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite. Slight change of plans.

Woohoo, the light stand has arrived and im very pleased with it. For the price i would highly recommend anyone wishing to purchase a light arm to seriously consider NA. I couldnt even buy chromed 22mm copper pipe for the same money. Ill get some pics up once i have fixed it to the cabinet later.

So finally progress... Ill let the pictures do the talking, no light up so quite dark pics 🙁

Sphagnum Moss Peat and Osmacote in.

second layer of peat

first layer of Akadama

First layout before slight change of plan.

foreground in

Mid-ground done

Little tease until planting is complete :lol:

Would love all and any opinions you may have so far...
Left hand upright rock in foreground needs to move.
Should be finished by the end of the weekend so will get up a FTS and pics of light arm for any interested.
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite.Planted, FTS and light arm

looking great, really like the layout.
Re: Re: 90x45x75 optiwhite.Planted, FTS and light arm

Thanks guys I really enjoyed setting this tank up.
Flow is quite gentle ATM so will be interesting to see how it all settles in.

Glosso is growing well but the tennelus is melting, is this normal?
It came in vitro which I thought meant it would adapt better, or did I dream that?