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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

get to many of them with my taiwan bees nduli and usually weak colour so need culling, the loaches go mad for them though but strangely the barbs have no interest..?

😱 send some my way ha ha

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Well I'm back Ady34, my plans went to pot due to the car needing money spent on it.
Yeah this was I think like 2 years ago now! lol seems I forgot about the shrimp thing after the setback due to real life crap :what:
However .. As you can see I am back here and at the point again of saving up enough money (almost enough for tank number 1 again)
I not one to give up on something I wanna do so keep an eye out for my journal in the next two months! better late then never eh 🙂

hows your lovely tank doing these days? 🙂
What a amazing looking setup, i just read you journal from start to finish, what can say that's not already been said. Wow!!!:clap:. I've actually recently setup my first shrimp nano, will also be low tech! so reading your journal has been so insightful, and if i can replicate just small percentage of your success i will be a happy man. Good luck catching all shrimp and moving into your large tank...

Thank you for this journal, has been inspirational!
Good to see you back Otto, tank is still ticking along but will soon be coming to an end. Good luck with your venture :thumbup:

steveno, really pleased the journal has inspired 🙂.....although the addition of liquid carbon makes this a high tech, albeit a low light slow growing one :thumbup:
Hi Ady, tank looks great! How much liquid carbon are you adding? And what dose do you consider safe for shrimp?

Hi mate,
I'm adding 1ml daily (pretty much manufacturers suggested dosing volume), i get steady reproduction with that, personally i wouldn't add more as I've heard it does effect shrimplet survival rates but I've not really tested the effects of more or less.
Still going, but emptying next week.
Few more shrimp being sold this weekend then the rest will be off to Natural Jurassic :woot:
Thanks to all who've helped and contributed along the way, its been a great little venture, its success attributed to good advice and good stock (with a liberal dose of good luck also 😛)....its difficult to remember back to the 10 tiny shrimplets that started it all off!!


Ill be a little sad to finally close it down as you can probably tell from the length of time I've actually been saying I'm going to 😉




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It's been a pleasure Mark.
No problem Ruke. Pleased it's been of some help, it was a great learning curve in shrimp keeping for myself 🙂

The plants and some more shrimp have been moved on today, but it has highlighted just how many shrimp are actually in here. I've sold about 150 shrimp over the last month and now it's bare I think there is at least another 250 left to move over to the NA tank......
Echo ruke's comments. Learnt a lot. Thanks ade. Still nowhere near as successful as your tank. Spotted 20+ babies today and quality improving seen at least 2 or 3 mainly white with small bits of red. Not seen them for long enough to try and grade them.
Thanks nduli, pleased they're rewarding you with better quality, oh, theres always more in there than than you think mate 🙂

whats left today, nowhere to hide:


