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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

FTS as requested Faizal....


looks awesome, what grade are your CRS, I think they look best stripy like yours rather than a few blobs of red.
looks awesome, what grade are your CRS, I think they look best stripy like yours rather than a few blobs of red.
thanks m_attt 🙂
Shrimp are grade a, a few have maybe improved along the way but mainly a. Good enough for me, interesting and colourful and not too expensive!
Ill pop one up soon, nothing changed really though....apart from the hair grass is all but gone, oh and there's loads of Aquasoil back on the sand again 🙂

Really sorry that the hair grass isn't quite working for you in this tank Ady. Maybe it's just the excel dosing y'know? And yeah,...it's a real pain when the soil gets mixed up with the sand. I used to get such a neck pain just trying to remove each grain of the aquasoil one by one with a pair of tweezers.:banghead:

The Excel only dosing was sometimes truly frustrating for me in the past,...just a slight step up from non co2. I think there is a very fine line between light & co2 balance here. The other thing is ,...you've got to be consistent with the daily dosing. My old excel would just go down every time i returned to it after a few days of being away simply because the excel dosing was inconsistent even if I did turn the lights off during those few days of non dosing.

😳 😳
clear.png😳 I am not really that experienced but i think it's easier to maintain a non co2 or pressurised system. Nevertheless you are an excellent aquarist. A talented one too at that.🙂 Looking forward to your new scape in the upcoming weeks😉
Damn,...that picture did NOT load up on my computer this morning. I'm sorry,...but what was it that you were complaining about? that tank looks awesome!!!:wideyed:
Thanks Faizal, your comments are much appreciated and I think your spot on with liquid carbon, it needs to be treated with the same principals regards dosing consistency as gas co2, and matched with appropriate lighting levels.
I won't be rescaping this one though, ill most likely be selling as a job lot or stripping down and storing. I've got another non planted project I want to have a go at next month.
If your next unplanted project ends up like sticks and stones will be another excellent scape on the cards ady 🙂
Ha ha, definitely not planted this time.....don't want to swear on this site, but its going to be 'marine' 🙂
Weekly water changes has had a definite impact on shrimp reproduction. I have at least four berried again, some of which are the second generation which is pleasing as its the first time I've had any other than the originals berried 🙂



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Odd little shrimplet I spotted 🙂


I've had a few of those weird looking ones but they can be pretty if they have good white. I think they are snow whites?
Cracking little journal as always Ady!

Thank you for sharing - Tank is looking superb. Hope I can have success with my RCS tank 🙂
Cheers Spartacus 🙂
Good luck with your set up, shrimp are pretty fascinating little critters.
I've had a few of those weird looking ones but they can be pretty if they have good white. I think they are snow whites?
I've heard of snow whites, this looks a little washed out and a bit skeletal, be interesting to see what he turns out like 🙂

Yeah snowwhite AKA chain loach dinner :-/

Is the population still growing Ady or has it levelled out at capacity?
None get culled by me, not sure about numbers but there's always plenty of shrimplets kicking about. Possibly moving them all into the big tank.....if there's not too many. Not looking forward to stripping it down and catching them though 🙂
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