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Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

Hi Ady
I don't know if you've mentioned this before but what do you feed your shrimp? Also, do you use any natural products like leaves, bark etc?
Hi James,
no leaves or anything.....well not dried ones anyway!
They get fed hikari crab cuisine, a very odd algae wafer and the Genchem foods below 🙂 nothing flash.....they also eat some plants!!
Haha, thanks Ady! 🙂 Would you recommend the Genchem line?
I bought the food to try and improve colour and I think it has done that so yes I'd recommend Genchem ....although the packets arnt the easiest to get into, the ziplock tops are tight, and one was so tight it came away from the packet before it opened so is now unsealable! I'd much prefer screw tops especially for everyday use.....sound old don't I 🙂
Hi Ady,

I may have missed this in your earlier postings but what's the reason for dropping the liquid carbon dosing? Also do you use the Mosura BT-9 after every water change or just on filter maintenance days.
Hi Ady,

I may have missed this in your earlier postings but what's the reason for dropping the liquid carbon dosing? Also do you use the Mosura BT-9 after every water change or just on filter maintenance days.
Hi Jon,
Dropping the liquid carbon to see if it was the increase that has effected reproduction. I don't think the 11w of lighting will be driving a huge uptake and plant mass hasn't increased dramatically so it should be ok.
You dose Bt9 after every water change, but I clean the filter whenever I do a water change anyway.
Ive had no issues with shrimp health, the only casualties being crawlers, ive never seen a dead shrimp in the tank....
Famous last words, when I got home tonight I found a congregation of shrimp devouring one of their own 🙁 There was a thread elsewhere on the forum about shrimp killing their own, not sure if this was the case or if the shrimp had already succumbed.....but I'm a little nervous now.
The liquid carbon had already been reduced to 1ml daily and feeding upped to daily also.....bizarre how this has just happened after these changes. All the rest seem fine, with totally normal behaviour colour etc. will be monitoring for sure.
All seems well, unsure what happened with the eaten shrimp....no more casualties and a preferred diet (for me at least) of an algae wafer 🙂


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Sounds like they were just eating an already passed away shrimp mate

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I just don't know what went on, it was fully coloured up so must have been fresh, wasn't huge either so not an older one naturally passing I wouldn't think.
I think though that they are hungry now and need feeding regular, I've been dropping something in nearly every day for the last few weeks now. I may have to invest in a catappa leaf carpet 🙂
Have you got enough shrimp yet Ady?!:lol: I think you should sell some. I know I'd certainly buy them! It could pay for itself...🙂
Good gracious ,....there are so many of them !!!!:wideyed:
Yeah there's a few in there lol, I wouldn't like to have to catch them all anyway 🙂
Well, ive had the easy carbo reduced to 1ml/day again for a few weeks now without berried shrimp, but carried out weekly rather than every other week water change last week, and hey presto, berried shrimp again.
Seems that the water changes are the key, maybe keeping TDS lower, within a smaller margin and water quality up is most important in success rather than liquid carbon dosing....speculation of course, but when dosing liquid carbon heavily several weeks ago i then carried out the 70% water change 'spring clean' and that was when i had berried shrimp last.

Could well be wrapping this tank up in a few weeks.
Could you give the latest FTS shot of the tank please?🙂
Ill pop one up soon, nothing changed really though....apart from the hair grass is all but gone, oh and there's loads of Aquasoil back on the sand again 🙂

Its so green!!! I love it!!! That looks amazing!!!
Thanks Kurono.

outstanding journal, you've given me a lot of inspiration.
Really nice to hear that logi-cat, makes doing journals even more rewarding.
You could try mulberry leaves. Shrimpscape on eBay sells them. Basil, the shrimp king, recommended them to me and the shrimp go mental for them and strip them down to stalk and veins. I have to use pegs on all my genchem stuff as the ziplocks are a nightmare.
And yes, it was my post about shrimp eating each other! None of that now...
Maybe you should rehome some, at some point it is going to be overcrowded. I've already passed on some juveniles of lesser quality.
You could try mulberry leaves. Shrimpscape on eBay sells them. Basil, the shrimp king, recommended them to me and the shrimp go mental for them and strip them down to stalk and veins. I have to use pegs on all my genchem stuff as the ziplocks are a nightmare.
And yes, it was my post about shrimp eating each other! None of that now...
Maybe you should rehome some, at some point it is going to be overcrowded. I've already passed on some juveniles of lesser quality.
Thanks Lindy, ziplocks suck!
I may try some leaves, although i may be stripping this down soon, or selling it as a job lot, meanwhile I'm rehoming some of them in my studio tank so as to eliminate the possibility of overcrowding 😉