I've recieved the RGB light so here's a little review.
Assembly is easy, although there is no description included. At assembly I've noticed that he acrylic brackets are to big for the glas of my tank (5mm). So I can't tighten them.
Need longer screws or I have to fill it up with something to make it stable enough...
The rgb-unit itself is holding his place by 4 adjustable metal houlders. To be sure that the rgb-unit won't move I've conected 4 small rubbers. So the unit will stay in place.
So time for light testing;
The package came with a standard manual controller for the light levels and I've ordered also an remote controller separately.
On the all the websites I could find, there is mentiond that the remote controller has 7 different level brightness. But this remote controller has 8 different levels!
And I found out that the only the wired dimmer has 7 different levels...
Next thing is measuring the lux values in various places at the bottom But something I've noticed: The remote controller gives a flickering light at level 1 to 5. There is no constant lux!
I found out beqause I've used a LUX tester. At the naked eye you won't see any disdurbance, but the lux meter showed flickering and there's no constant lux. On level 6 7 and 8 the light is constant.
I've read several complains about the controllers from chihoros lights. In most of the cases the new replacement is working fine. So I've contacted the retailer for an replacement. And he will send me one asap.
I've did the same testing with the wired dimmer, and there is no flickering and all the 7 levels are in constant lux. So this is good.
There is no reliable info about the lumens or par readings for the lights.
Some retailers mentioned the 30cm RGB for about 1000 lumens, and some other retailers speaks about 3750 lumens...
It's difficult to find information about such thing as Lumen.
And PAR messurments? Please feel free to post them in your comments. Still not found them. If the rgb is any good for growht?
Don't know yet. Time will tell by trail and error, so I'll keep you posted and place here a link for a new journal to come.
cheers, Cor
Assembly is easy, although there is no description included. At assembly I've noticed that he acrylic brackets are to big for the glas of my tank (5mm). So I can't tighten them.
Need longer screws or I have to fill it up with something to make it stable enough...
The rgb-unit itself is holding his place by 4 adjustable metal houlders. To be sure that the rgb-unit won't move I've conected 4 small rubbers. So the unit will stay in place.
So time for light testing;
The package came with a standard manual controller for the light levels and I've ordered also an remote controller separately.
On the all the websites I could find, there is mentiond that the remote controller has 7 different level brightness. But this remote controller has 8 different levels!
And I found out that the only the wired dimmer has 7 different levels...
Next thing is measuring the lux values in various places at the bottom But something I've noticed: The remote controller gives a flickering light at level 1 to 5. There is no constant lux!
I found out beqause I've used a LUX tester. At the naked eye you won't see any disdurbance, but the lux meter showed flickering and there's no constant lux. On level 6 7 and 8 the light is constant.
I've read several complains about the controllers from chihoros lights. In most of the cases the new replacement is working fine. So I've contacted the retailer for an replacement. And he will send me one asap.
I've did the same testing with the wired dimmer, and there is no flickering and all the 7 levels are in constant lux. So this is good.
There is no reliable info about the lumens or par readings for the lights.
Some retailers mentioned the 30cm RGB for about 1000 lumens, and some other retailers speaks about 3750 lumens...
It's difficult to find information about such thing as Lumen.
And PAR messurments? Please feel free to post them in your comments. Still not found them. If the rgb is any good for growht?
Don't know yet. Time will tell by trail and error, so I'll keep you posted and place here a link for a new journal to come.
cheers, Cor