Hi all,
Chlorophyll free monocotyledon shoots are particularly difficult, because you can't* graft them onto a green plant "life support system".
Although that is probably a good thing, or you could end up with the aquatic version <"of these">.
cheers Darrel
We have a thread - <"Anubias Snow White melted - will they recover ?">.I will update with what I believe will be an expected, somewhat inevitable, failure.
I think that is your best hope. Shade may encourage <"them to produce chlorophyll">. In bright light I'm pretty sure Clive's <"photon torpedo will fry them">.At best I imagine some may revert enough to survive,
Chlorophyll free monocotyledon shoots are particularly difficult, because you can't* graft them onto a green plant "life support system".
Although that is probably a good thing, or you could end up with the aquatic version <"of these">.
* changed from "can" after @Mat H's <"post">
cheers Darrel
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