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Algae and java moss won't grow

Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Week all I can say is you bunch of miracle workers I'm almost certain my algae holding off and 100 per cent certain my java moss is growing
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

It's a bloody long read but very knowledgeable them topics foxfish
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Still have no clue but I'm using my air stone again now as it says the plants use oxygen at night so should make life a bit easier on the fish I might do a plant only tank just as a trial run thanks for your efforts in helpings it's much appreciated I will no doubt be questioning you again soon though cheers again
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Good luck with it all mate, just remember, do everything slowly & make sure the fish are ok before trying to progress.

Fish need time to adapt to higher co2 levels, so gradually turn it up over a period of days.

Turn airstone on at night as a precaution, don't use it as a method of having huge co2 levels during the day and trying to gas that off at night.

Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Glad to hear things are getting better, the principles are really very simple.. you just have to bugger it up a bunch of times before you really understand it :lol:
As Amano says - he only has his success now because he failed for so long.

All the best mate
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

easerthegeezer said:
BBA is entirely caused by unstable co2. If you have reflectors on your lights spin one round to block the light from the tank, drop you light period to something more reasonable like 6 hours (8 should be about your max when the tank is running well), increase co2 injection, increase flow and distribution, increase water changes and spot dose the BBA with liquid carbon. It looks like you can remove the plants easily, if so then you can make a liquid carbon bath for the plants (not moss) in a 5ltrs of water add about 40ml of liquid carbon, dip the plants for about a minute or two then put them into a bucket with clean water. After rinsing add them back to the tank, BBA will go pale or pink and then fall off, you still need to do all of the above otherwise it will only come back.
A solenoid will also help stability. How are you injecting co2?
Just a quick question what type of liquid carbon am I to get as my lfs said the stuff they have won't kill bba and also what is bba lol
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Jesus I carbon bathed my Anubis today I can't believe the difference it's made thanks for very much for the advice thi has given me a real boost to get things rolling now thanks a lot
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

A few piccies to see if there is a difference utu8u9a6.jpg8uda7y3u.jpg
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Looking better :thumbup:

I,ve had a nightmare with BBA Twice :cry:

Mines just a noddy none co 2 set up with vallis and java moss , the moss grows like stink but the vallis seems to be melting .

Anyway , when the BBA has appeared i,ve lacked water changes , and not cleaned my filters regulary enough .

The Excell worked much better than the easy carbo for me .

Discus look really well in the tank
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

have you considered growing the moss outside of the tank in a pot on the windowsill. i know some people have had some very good results, doubling in size with the common mosses. it may be worth doing that if the plan is a moss wall at the end.
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

I hav cut a piece off to try that cheers it's growing quite well in the tank now too