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Algae and java moss won't grow

Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

This is what I want to achieve any large or small quantities of moss for sale I have cash waiting a3a9eja6.jpgyzu7ure9.jpg6avuvybu.jpg
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Lights on for 11hrs a day wouldn't really be helping with the problem
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

BBA is entirely caused by unstable co2. If you have reflectors on your lights spin one round to block the light from the tank, drop you light period to something more reasonable like 6 hours (8 should be about your max when the tank is running well), increase co2 injection, increase flow and distribution, increase water changes and spot dose the BBA with liquid carbon. It looks like you can remove the plants easily, if so then you can make a liquid carbon bath for the plants (not moss) in a 5ltrs of water add about 40ml of liquid carbon, dip the plants for about a minute or two then put them into a bucket with clean water. After rinsing add them back to the tank, BBA will go pale or pink and then fall off, you still need to do all of the above otherwise it will only come back.
A solenoid will also help stability. How are you injecting co2?
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Just with a regulator no solenoid will get a solenoid at weekend and liquid carbon will carbon in the filters help too I have spun the reflector and will reduce timing slowly though as not to upset the discus thank you very very much for your help I hope this works as I'm on the verge of giving up aquascaping
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Hi b1zbaz, keeping sensitive fish & plants is not always easy1
You have received some good advice although large water changes might not be the best for your discus?
Perhaps you could carry out several smaller water changes during the week rather than one big one, do you treat your water at all?
Also I guess you have set quite a high temperature in your tank?
Another problem is your fish might not like the high flow & water movement that the plants in your tank need?
You will have to find a compromise for your tank if you want good algae free plant growth & beautiful discus, it is definitely possible but not as easy as a tank with no fish or less sensitive fish.
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

I do 50 per cent changes weekly on my main tank and 50 per cent daily on my breeding tanks the discus can handle it easily you just have to ease them into things all this hype about discus being sensitive is rubbish you just have to be in a pretty strong routine really and things go swimmingly lol they are harder to breed than my kribs them things will make babies anywhere
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

I'm not saying your talking rubbish I'm saying discus are not difficult I'm going to put your advice into action ASAP thank you
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

As for the do I treat my water in what way do you mean I use ro water with triple buffer if that is what you mean
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Is it normal for co2 to accumulate at the top of the counter or is it just not being dissolved
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Growing plants is not that difficult once you grasp the fundamental basics of how it all works.

If we had a fish free tank then we would turn up the co2 to a high level & adjust the flow & light to suit, however, most fish would be poisoned at such high levels of C02!
So we need to compromise & adjust the gas to suit the fish.
We need to distribute the C02 at just the right flow rate within the display tank too, as a guide look at using a filter or pump that operates around 10 x the tank volume per hour.
We need to get the C02 into a water soluble form & introduce it into the flow, that can be done in many ways - inline atomisers are very popular.
Once we have flow & C02 sorted then we need to offer some light, more light needs more gas & possibly more flow but we always have to think of the fish.
One way, is to turn up the gas over a week or so, very slowly & gradually until we see any signs of stress in the fish!
You have to be on the ball through & quickly turn back the C02 just a bit :?
Once we have found the right level of C02 you fish are happy with then we can up the light until we see good growth & no algae.
It helps to realise that 95% of the plants we keep, in fact, much prefer to grow out of the water & are grown that way until they reach the shops or your tank.
Of course any plant growing out of the water will have unlimited supply of C02 so we are already compromising!
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Aaaahhhhhhhhh now that puts it in lamens terms so if I remove my reflectors and turn co2 up things should even out my lfs told me I need metal halide lighting to stop algae
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Ok cheers foxfish do I turn it a bit daily or every hour till fish show signs of distress when the bottle is running obviously the pressure in the cylinder gets lower and you have to open the regulator a bit more each week is there any way round this or is it a case of get used to it and should I let the bubbles go into my external filter or will it kill media and/or eventually stop the syphon action is the only way to know too much is going into the water by watching fish I only really want moss to grow as its beautiful in the right circumstances
Re: Algae and java moss won't grow

Easerthegeezer they do tell lies as they also told me no plants will grow under twin t5s and that I need at least 4