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AIO EI Fertilizer Guidance please?


22 Jul 2009
Northumberland, UK.
Hello everyone,

I've been without a tank for a few years, I got rid of my last one when we moved 3 years ago with plans to start again, bigger and better, once we were sorted. We are now fully sorted in our new home and the itch is getting too much so I'm looking at setting up the new tank, on a much bigger scale this time though.

I'm adding a pic of my last 2 tanks (a Fluval Flex 32 Gallon and a 30cm Betta cube), before they were taken down, for reference. I have been keeping fish for a LONG time (both planted and reef tanks) and am very familiar with all the fish keeping stuff like filtration, cycling, etc. and am familiar with plant keeping and their requirements BUT I have always used the off the shelf commercial fertilizers as I didn't understand what I was doing with the EI DIY dosing and I don't like to mess with things that I don't understand. In the tanks below I was dosing TNC Lite with no CO2.


The tank I am now planning is going to be a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft and with the much larger tank the costs of using a commercial fertilizer is much more of an issue, so I now need to get my head around dosing with the EI fertilizer. I have a good amount of time to do this as it's going to be quite a while (8 months+) before I am ready to set the new tank up.

I am not technically knowledgeable on any of this. I have no idea what most things mean, like EDTA, chelated, etc. and I don't know anything about the chemical processes, etc. but I am pretty intelligent and am quick to learn. I'm not sure if I need to know what all those things mean or need to understand the chemical processes involved but if I do then please someone let me know.

I have already done a lot of research, reading just about everything I can find, including all the threads in these forums on the subject, and I think I've managed to get somewhat of an understanding. I have gone through the 'IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator' and done my best to figure that out.

Some of what I have 'figured out' is just assumption or unclear though so I am posting here in the hopes of getting those assumptions either confirmed or corrected so that I can be 100% confident in what I am doing with the EI dosing.

Where to start?.. I think some info on my personal requirements for the tank?

I'm not a typical 'Aquascaper'. I won't be taking the tank down and re-scaping it or even re-planting much at all. I want the tank to still be running and looking great, with the same aquascape, in 10 years time.

I want minimal pruning and maintenance, although I still want constant healthy growth, just not the super fast, massive growth that many get in high tech tanks. With that in mind I am wanting mostly low energy, slow growing plants.

Here is a list of the plants I currently plan to get:

Anubias barteri var. 'coffeefolia'
Anubias nana 'petite'
Anubias nana 'pinto'
Aponogeton madagascariensis
Bucephalandra - several rarer species
Christmas moss
Crinum calamistratum
Cryptocoryne crispatula v. balansae
Cryptocoryne spiralis 'red'
Cryptocoryne nurii
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'flamingo'
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'green gecko'
Echinodorus 'Red Diamond'
Eleocharis parvula
Java Fern
Ludwigia sp. mini 'Super Red'
Nymphaea rubra

As you can see it's mostly heavy root feeders and epiphytes. No fast growing stems, just the one group of Ludwigia. I do plant very heavily from the outset and I will be dosing CO2 but not to fully saturated levels, just an average/medium amount without monitoring the CO2 level, just enough for these slow growing plants to have what they need and so they are not CO2 limited. The tank pH will be monitored and the CO2 cut off at night though.

I will be using a 'dirt' substrate (70/30 Westlands Aquatic Compost and Peat) along with clay peat balls for the base, capped with an inert 1-2mm gravel.

For hardscape I'll be using Seiryu stone and Redmoor root.

I'm retired and spend 99% of my time at home due to caring for my disabled wife. This aquarium will therefore have my full attention. I'm also very technical, organised and fairly OCD, so the tank and the dosing, etc. will all be very carefully monitored, done exactly and on time. I also plan to do a YouTube channel dedicated to the progress of the tank, so like a video log of the whole thing with ongoing updates.

I will be doing 50% weekly water changes using tap water and adding API Tap Water Conditioner. I live in Northumberland, UK and the tap water here is medium-hard.

I stock my tanks fish heavy (especially compared to many of todays 'Aquascapers') and feed them well, so I don't think nitrate or phosphate is going to need to be dosed, once the tank is established? …or maybe just at a reduced dose? This is why I used to dose TNC Lite before.

Next I guess the actual planned tank setup? Okay, I'll list the main equipment I have planned below.

Tank & Main Equipment:
Tank - 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank - 680 Litres approx. volume.
Lighting - AI Blade FreshWater 66 inch x 2
Filtration - Oase BioMaster 2 Thermo 600 x 2
Circulation pumps - AI Nero 3 x 2
Monitoring & Control - Apex A3 Junior with MXM Mobius Wireless
Carbon Dioxide - 2Kg CO2 bottle/Reg/Solenoid and inline diffuser.
Dosing - D-D P1 Plus Dosing Pump (for dosing the EI Ferts daily)

From what I've understood so far I think I've filled the 'IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator' in correctly and now have the following in the calculator:

Water Report Levels (Potassium and Phosphate are not listed in my water report)

Tank and Dosing page
I was thinking of keeping the 1.5 litre container for the AIO mix in the fridge and then having a smaller 150ml container to dose from under the tank, which would be then refilled weekly from the fridge container. From what I can gather that would be correct and should be okay?

Target Calculator page

I went with the 'EI Dosing Mid' above because I assume I won't need the full dosing with having low energy plants, medium CO2, etc. Not sure if this is the right level for what I am doing or not though?

I assume I would just remove the Potassium Nitrate and Monopotassium Phosphate if I didn't need to dose nitrate/phosphate?

DIY Trace Calculator page

I just copied the target values from 'The PlantGuy CSM+B', not sure if this is all correct or not but it seems to be from what I can gather.

Summary of all the questions and assumptions that I need answering/confirming or correcting:
1 - With the heavy fish stocking will I need to dose nitrate/phosphate still, once the tank is stocked and established?
2 - As I plant very heavily from the outset (and my fish stock will be added gradually) I suspect I may have to dose nitrate/phosphate at first, is this the case? …or will the 'dirt' substrate provide enough initially? I will also be doing 50% water changes 2-3 times a week for the first couple of weeks as well, if that makes a difference.
3 - Should I be dosing at all during the first couple of weeks?
4 - If I'm not dosing in the first couple of weeks should I still be running the CO2?
5 - Will keeping the 1.5 litre container in the fridge really keep the EI AIO mix okay for 12 weeks? …and is my idea for having the separate 150ml container under the tank for dosing correct?
6 - Is 'EI Dosing Mid' the right level of dosing for what I'm trying to do? If not what should I be aiming for?
7 - Do I just remove the Potassium Nitrate and Monopotassium Phosphate from the mix if I don't need to dose nitrate/phosphate?
8 - Are my targets and measurements right for the DIY Trace mix? If not then what should they be?
9 - I've just read that the Magnesium in a lot of the solutions like CSM+B is on the low side as it's meant for the US market where they have more Magnesium in the tap water. Should I be adding more Magnesium?

I think that's all for now. Please feel free to tell me if I'm completely wrong. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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What level of CO2 are you aiming for?

Regarding your questions, I’ll give it a go:
  1. Certainly at the beginning. After that it will be trial and error IMO.
  2. Yes, you need to dose. Ensure you dose after each water change.
  3. Yes, as you’re using CO2
  4. NA
  5. I’d only prep 1L, keep in fridge. Decanting some to a 250ml bottle is fine.
  6. Should be OK, but it is trial and error.
  7. If remove potassium nitrate, then you’ll end up dosing more potassium chloride to meet your potassium needs. I’d rather dose excess nitrate than chloride…
  8. Don’t know.
  9. Yes. Magnesium is needed for your GH values as well as for plant growth. Your clone target of 7.5 is fine, but you could up to 10.
What level of CO2 are you aiming for?
Thanks for replying. I'm not going to be aiming for a particular level. I'm not going to be monitoring the CO2 level. I'm just going to dose low, well for this size tank anyway. I'll probably start at 1 bubble per second, keep an eye on the pH and just watch the plants. If they look like they need more I'll up it a bit, monitor again and so on until the plants are doing fine.

Regarding your questions, I’ll give it a go:
  1. Yes, you need to dose. Ensure you dose after each water change.
The plan is to dose daily.

[*]I’d only prep 1L, keep in fridge. Decanting some to a 250ml bottle is fine.
Why only 1L?
@Mark.A O best beloved, absolutes do not exist.

Build it. Go from there.
I have a few more questions now. First - if I change from the AIO mix to the below settings and make it once a month am I correct in thinking that means I won't need to keep the 500ml container in the fridge? So will I then be able to just have the 500ml container under the tank cabinet and dose directly from it?


Second - If I don't put the micro nutrients in with the macro nutrients and instead use the Aqua Plants Care CSM+B micro mix and dose it separately from my EI macro nutrient mix then can I dose both mixtures daily? If so then does it matter when, i.e. can they be dosed at the same time each day or do they need to be some time apart? Also, is there a recommended time for dosing in general? i.e. when the CO2 starts or when the lights come on, etc.

Third - is the recommended dose of the CSM+B mix, on the Aqua Plants Care website, what I should actually be dosing? For reference their website says:

DOSING: 2 ml a day per 100L fish tank

10g CSM+B mix with 500ml water, 1ml solution per 100 l of tank water yields a concentration of 0.015ppm Fe

So for my tank, if I presume about 600 litres actual water volume, then that works out at 12ml per day but, according to their website, that is to reach a daily Fe concentration of 0.03ppm. If I multiply that by seven then that gives a weekly Fe ppm of 0.21, which is less than half of the 0.468 ppm weekly concentration of Fe that the IFC calculator says the Aqua Plants Care CSM+B has.

I'm not seeing how this works out or maybe I'm not understanding the correlation? Can anyone set me straight here? Do I need to double the recommended dose?
1, Yes you are correct, I've made up 4 weeks supply in various strengths (including full EI in the past) for the last 18 years or so and never encountered any mould or falling out of suspension of both macro and micro (separate bottles) using salts and commercial micro.
2, The problem is Iron will react with the Phosphate forming insoluble compounds and will rapidly become plant unavailable (I'm not a biologist if anyone wants to chip in). Again I dose alternate days but if I had to do both in one I would dose macro at lights on and micro a couple of hours before lights off in the hope the plants can grab a bit of iron et al whilst still assimilating. This is just me though others may have differing opinions or even experience.
3, @Hanuman @Zeus. ?
2, The problem is Iron will react with the Phosphate forming insoluble compounds and will rapidly become plant unavailable (I'm not a biologist if anyone wants to chip in). Again I dose alternate days but if I had to do both in one I would dose macro at lights on and micro a couple of hours before lights off in the hope the plants can grab a bit of iron et al whilst still assimilating. This is just me though others may have differing opinions or even experience.
I'm just trying to understand here - but isn't there Phosphate in your tank water anyway?

How do you work out how to dose if you do alternate days? Do you just double the daily dose for each (macro and micro nutrients) and dose them every other day alternating? If so then I can do it that way.
Third - is the recommended dose of the CSM+B mix, on the Aqua Plants Care website, what I should actually be dosing? For reference their website says:

DOSING: 2 ml a day per 100L fish tank

10g CSM+B mix with 500ml water, 1ml solution per 100 l of tank water yields a concentration of 0.015ppm Fe

So for my tank, if I presume about 600 litres actual water volume, then that works out at 12ml per day but, according to their website, that is to reach a daily Fe concentration of 0.03ppm. If I multiply that by seven then that gives a weekly Fe ppm of 0.21, which is less than half of the 0.468 ppm weekly concentration of Fe that the IFC calculator says the Aqua Plants Care CSM+B has.

I'm not seeing how this works out or maybe I'm not understanding the correlation? Can anyone set me straight here? Do I need to double the recommended dose?
To further add to this - there is also a 'Trace Elements Refill' on their website that has the following info:

Which are also different again. Not sure which I am supposed to go off or use?
I'm just trying to understand here - but isn't there Phosphate in your tank water anyway?
Yes, but only from the Potassium Phosphate that I add. Did you mean the Phosphate from tap water? I use RO. If you are using tap I presume you have populated the 'Your Area Water Report' under the Core Settings tab?
How do you work out how to dose if you do alternate days? Do you just double the daily dose for each (macro and micro nutrients) and dose them every other day alternating? If so then I can do it that way.
I can see you have been using the IFC, you can just change the dosing frequency to 4 times a week for Macro and 3 times a week for Micro in the 'Dosing Wizard' under the 'Tank and Dosing' tab. Or do 3 and 3 and have a day off before water change.
Yes, but only from the Potassium Phosphate that I add. Did you mean the Phosphate from tap water? I use RO. If you are using tap I presume you have populated the 'Your Area Water Report' under the Core Settings tab?
I was meaning in the tank water, from decaying waste and food, etc.
I can see you have been using the IFC, you can just change the dosing frequency to 4 times a week for Macro and 3 times a week for Micro in the 'Dosing Wizard' under the 'Tank and Dosing' tab. Or do 3 and 3 and have a day off before water change.
If you do 3 and 3 and take a day off won't the plants suffer from the lack of nutrients on the day off?
I was meaning in the tank water, from decaying waste and food, etc.
Yes of course there will be but how much, are you testing for it, I don't? Relying on waste and food could be somewhat unreliable on higher tech tank, targeting 0.8ppm is not really adding that much Phosphate but it will always be there or has been.
Yes of course there will be but how much, are you testing for it, I don't? Relying on waste and food could be somewhat unreliable on higher tech tank, targeting 0.8ppm is not really adding that much Phosphate but it will always be there or has been.
Yeah, I get that. When you said 'Iron will react with the Phosphate', with regards to dosing macro and micro together, I was just curious why it wouldn't react at any time because there's normally some amount of Phosphate in the tank water.