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ADA 90P - "Low Roar"

The 10x turnover is recommended for planted tanks on here as it takes account for the fact filters often only perform at 50% of the stated turnover once installed and filter media added.

Interesting to know the super jet filters stated turnover are the actual flow once in use.

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I literally packed the ADA filter with 6L of gravel sized media, no room for water to bypass, and it still spits out water way faster than my JBL901 with filter sponges, despite being rated at a much higher L/H
I literally packed the ADA filter with 6L of gravel sized media, no room for water to bypass, and it still spits out water way faster than my JBL901 with filter sponges, despite being rated at a much higher L/H

My jbl901 spits out water faster since I've replaced the prefilter by the e902 one (available as a replacement part) and filled all the 3 baskets with ceramics/bio media, if that could help.😉
Not much to report, pretty smooth sailing. Been running on Tropica Specialized for the last couple of months, 2ml (or one pump with the new pump heads) is used daily
Wow that is very lean liquid fertilisation !

Very nice growth as Always, planning to take the final pic soon?


Lean is the way to go; slower growth, better colors and much less maintenance and algae.
This scape is still a month or two away from peak condition - have to grow out the new stems properly.

Thinking of adding a small group of nannostomus mortenthaleri in the mix, think they would add some nice contrast to the layout
Looking great and it's really filled out a lot in the last few weeks

What's your lighting period since you're lean dosing?
Hi all, I haven't kept them, but I have kept Nannostomus marginatus and they jump.

cheers Darrel

Great input. I believe Filippe Olivera used those in his last private scape - they looked amazing
Yeah it's getting there 😀

I always run a 8 hour photo period

That's impressive with running the solar RGB and such lean ferts, co2 must be on point as well considering it's very tightly packed at the back

How is your clay plant gift coming along (instagram)?
That's impressive with running the solar RGB and such lean ferts, co2 must be on point as well considering it's very tightly packed at the back

How is your clay plant gift coming along (instagram)?

Had to read the last sentence a couple of times before I understood 😀

The "clay plant gift" is coming along nicely, haven't snapped photos of it recently, but I rapped some of the base in weeping moss, gives a even more natural feel

Here's a picture for those wondering what a clay plant gift is:😛
20191014_222550.jpg 20190924_174926.jpg
Had to read the last sentence a couple of times before I understood 😀

The "clay plant gift" is coming along nicely, haven't snapped photos of it recently, but I rapped some of the base in weeping moss, gives a even more natural feel

Here's a picture for those wondering what a clay plant gift is:😛
View attachment 128362 View attachment 128363

:lol::lol: I'm not up with my emersed terminology so 'clay plant gift' was the best I could do, looks great with the moss :thumbup:
Looking great. Do you have two lily outflows next to each other? Is that due to the layout or do you also prefer the increase in flow?