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ADA 90P - "Low Roar"

Looking great. Do you have two lily outflows next to each other? Is that due to the layout or do you also prefer the increase in flow?

The outflows are on opposite ends. This way I can have a more gentle flow and still effective circulation, plus I'll have better filtration with two filters.
Strong current is not great for most fish, and can lead to algae on surfaces of hardscape
Some updates on the Tropica Limited editions:

cuphea anagalloidea; beautiful orange to reddish tones, similar growth pattern as rotala bonsai with straight growth and round compact leaves

Rotala sp. ' brick red' ; still very early, but if this new submerged growth is anything to go by, it's a very solid red rotala

Looks great! Seems like you fish likes to hide😀

It's not as much they hide, as they blend very much in with the green. I actually acquired some nannostomus beckfordi just today to accommodate for the "lack" of fish 😱
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Nice video! Did you take the final shot? I think it's Time. :thumbup:

Maybe some additionnal lightning on the front of the tank would help to see all the details on the shot. 😎

Tank looks very nice, congrats 😉
Nice video! Did you take the final shot? I think it's Time. :thumbup:

Maybe some additionnal lightning on the front of the tank would help to see all the details on the shot. 😎

Tank looks very nice, congrats 😉

Thanks a lot!

Haven't done final shot yet, I've like the stems to close in a bit more for better visibility when shotting the tank straight on. Still unsure if I should do one more trim and regrowth before final shot 😵
Nice video. I especially like your use of bolbitis and wavy bucephalandra. And you really keep everything spotless. How long time do you use on maintenance weekly if you don't mind me asking?
Nice video. I especially like your use of bolbitis and wavy bucephalandra. And you really keep everything spotless. How long time do you use on maintenance weekly if you don't mind me asking?


Average maintenance is around two hours, give or take. Including monthly trimming and cleaning of glassware