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Ada 60p, talawa land

:facepalm::dead:😕:meh:Today was an sad sh***y day, just found 3 of my 6 young corys dead in the eheim skim.

Solution (thanks raquascape):


I was stupid not doing this BEFoRE...
i am sorry for your loss

i have the same product, the eheim skimmer, and i have never had this issue? I do have shrimp that go and end up in there, but i simply push them out whenever i decide to clean it and they are alive and well, etc.

I've got pygmy corys to but they never go near the eheim? that is strange for sure! i use my eheim to clean up thicker debris though and not just surface bacteria so thats the reason i dont put mesh inside mine or else i would.

again sorry for your loss that always sucks when something like that goes down 🙁

but 1 month later it seems things are taking a turn for the best for you, so thats great! the tank looks very nice! 🙂

You know corys were super excited to get in a new tank and as always when I put new fishes In, they love to explore every corner of the tank...

Before the lights where Off I've seen them going upside down the glass very quick to have fun and I even asked myself if they could get stuck in the skim by doing this because they are so small...and that's exactly what happened. 🙁

Anyway, got a new mod to try next Time I buy some Potted plants;


Cheers and sorry for the same story happened to your ember tetras.
Those shrimp look incredible. Great photos.
Wow look at them!!

I’d love a few of those beauties.

As for the plant pot technique, I tried that the other day and my skimmer floating portion was sucked under the water 🙁 I’ve gone back to mesh.

Tank looks great as always!

Loving the variations of Hydrocotyle tripartita, what sort of height are they both at the minute?

Will be interesting to see if they have similar growth but just different leaf size or if the mini is a lot more compact in height as well
Loving the variations of Hydrocotyle tripartita, what sort of height are they both at the minute?

Will be interesting to see if they have similar growth but just different leaf size or if the mini is a lot more compact in height as well

Thanks, love them both too.

Actually the mini is half the size of the normal version, leaf size and size beetween them (normal=2cm between each leaf, mini = 1cm)

So the growth of the mini is more compact than the normal too.

Stay connected for updates as It's only since 1 week in my tank

Amazing pictures, I’m really happy with mine so far 🙂

Thanks, happy with mine too, awesome efficiency and silence, most silent one I Ever had!

Small update, next step, cutting stems back and replant the tops.

Love the jungle look and the fishes too, they seems to hide and breed in the stems 🙂

