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ADA 60F iwagumi

Hi everyone been thinking and I am thinking about having a re-scape and maybe removing my hair grass and getting some Hc instead and plant it with flooded and maybe get some Sumatra wood not sure exactly what style I would like but I would like to keep the reps as they look good, my co2 is now ok and hope the with fresh start and some fish and shrimp in there would be ok, been that long just a bit bored of this scape what you think ?

Thanks dean
thanks guys is there anyway to kill the algae off that's in substrate or should it be fine when I mix it about and any ideas for scape ? island style scape or layout of rock and wood with the wood coming out of the water something like this WP_20130211_023_zps7d96fabb.jpg Photo by riceball7 | Photobucket

and would like a HC carpet also think the hair grass even mini is to high for such a shallow tank and would require constant cutting, you think a HC carpet would be easy enough to maintain and look after ? any other recommendations is welcome like maybe getting rid or getting better longer spray bar

Thanks Dean
Buy acrylic pipe from ebay and make your own. Itll cost about a fiver. We made one and put 2.5 mm holes 60mm apart.
I dont know how you would clean algae on the substrate(I removed the little bit i had in my tank with tweezers and spot dosed with lc). Hc is good but given the right conditions it will need cutting every 2-3 weeks. Its growing like a weed in the tank in my signature. You can buy 11cm pots from underwatergarden on ebay for about £7 posted just search "aquarium in vitro" and you will only need one in your tank

Good luck
Thanks for your help andy I seen someone else buying there's and they are huge and seem very good, yeah that's more like it at that price rather than spending £40 yeah think spray bar is best for flow the tank is 60cm what size spraybar you recommend ? you think glass lilly would take me back to worse flow ? looking at wood on green machine but hard to see how it would look in tank lol you think Sumatra wood and my rock then is way to go, getting exited thinking if fresh start now I am off Saturday so if get everything sorted I will crack straight on then you think maybe some mosses on the wood and anyother recommendations for pants etc ?

also whats best way to totally clean the clas and get rid of water marks before re-flood

Thanks dean
Spraybar size the full length of tank and what ever size fits your filter hose really. I used 2.5mm holes as a starting point with the intention of opening them up .5mm at a time but was happy with flow from the 2.5 holes so I left them.
As for the lilly pipe i personaly would only use it for an island style scape but others use them with great effect.
1m of clear acrylic costs about £3 on ebay so its definately worth a try. When you fit spraybar angle it slightly down as i feel it helps drive the co2 to substrate level
I'm about to chuck a bunch(aprox 3-4 tropica pots worth) of lilaeopsis Mauritiana out as the member who said he was going to pay for it last sat hasn't been in touch at all and I have a jug full of fissidens to go in my tank. Its coming out today, about 3-4cm tall, no algae. Yours for postage if you want it.
I have a home made acrylic spraybar and I attach it to the tank using clear zip ties and clear suckers with a hole. All bought on ebay.
I'm about to chuck a bunch(aprox 3-4 tropica pots worth) of lilaeopsis Mauritiana out as the member who said he was going to pay for it last sat hasn't been in touch at all and I have a jug full of fissidens to go in my tank. Its coming out today, about 3-4cm tall, no algae. Yours for postage if you want it.

I like the look of the lilaeopsis Mauritiana could be a great background plant for this tank as only 18cm tall, says it is medium to high light is HC require higher light than hair grass ? and agree think I will use spraybar with this tank, going to look for piece of wood like one in pic i want Hc carpet maybe some longer grass like the one u listed behind and maybe a little bit of red colour in the tank aswel but defiantly interest mate and will pay postage, going to rip out all grass on Saturday from mine and clean tank and move all rocks etc

anywere you recommend for purchasing Sumatra drift wood (says its Manazanita wood on the net) around 40-50cm long like in the pic ?
something similar I want


eventually cut to around this size


anything else i should do wile no grass etc going to drop substrate level slightly aswel (not much just a little)
looked for ages and found interesting piece I could chop and make fit hopefully lol does anyone ever keep interesting wood they find on beach etc can you do that if boil it ? anyway this weekend maybe Saturday going to remove all hairgrass and remove all rocks drain water level until at substrate re/arrange soil etc and rocks and hopefully wood here fit that then clean glass with vinegar on cloth then plant repens and then fill await till Monday for hc then plant that does anyone think should clean some hair grass and maybe re-plant a small amount also any other plant recommendations for some colour variation hopefully can have lower the lights down so get more grown with hc maybe even 2x24w or just 1 lower down

thanks dean
I would lower your lights but just use one bulb to begin with. It'll make it easier to get on top if any algae that appears, then you could add the second when you are confident. It would mean you could probably start with 1or2 bps and not waste so much co2. Amano also recommends putting in amano shrimp in within weeks to cope with any algae that does appear. Your filter should be mature so keep it running while you rescape and you can add shrimp within a week if your co2 isn't too high.
I would lower your lights but just use one bulb to begin with. It'll make it easier to get on top if any algae that appears, then you could add the second when you are confident. It would mean you could probably start with 1or2 bps and not waste so much co2. Amano also recommends putting in amano shrimp in within weeks to cope with any algae that does appear. Your filter should be mature so keep it running while you rescape and you can add shrimp within a week if your co2 isn't too high.

Sounds great hopefully get cracked on next week as do t think anything arriving today and not ordered plants yet going to order 1 large pot of hc and keep the repens but need some taller plants for back of tank and maybe some easy to maintain reds etc and ideas mate ? Maybe some moss on the wood just want this one to work an hope doesn't have same problems like you say I want livestock early on and hope don't get shrimp jumping again but will keep co2 low like u say

Thanks dean
Hey mate , I'm using the same reg as you and mine fluctuates a bit , I've put it down to the needle valve so I'm ordering one from aquaessentials and will let you know if that cures the problem , gutted about the current scape but look forward to see what you do next 🙂

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well received some nice lilaeopsis from lindy today but not fully ready to start a new tread yet also received a parcel but next door as I was out and not home yet so imagine its my wood, going to order some Hemianthus callitrichoides any other recommendations please for some colour that's relatively easy to maintain etc and maybe some moss for the wood also some height would be nice and this is only 13 clear acrylic can fine of anyone got any cheaper please let me know 13/10 Clear Acrylic Tube (13mm x 1.5mm x 750mm) Plastic Plexiglas Perspex Pipe | eBay

thanks dean