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ADA 60F iwagumi

Amano shrimp, say 5-10 per 80 ,liters of tank is wise also, it'll clean a lot of things up.
Lightly vac the sediment surface without pulling up the gravel.

That and the other advice should help.

I suppose RCS will work and they breed well, but you need more of them, which is not an issue since they breed fast.
I have had 8 shrimp in the past and all jumped within days 🙁 also filter is rated to 750lh so far more than enough, its not led lighting just a tube not sure if t5 or t8 but its very high you wouldn't think would be to much ? don't know y shrimp jumped the co2 was fine just lime green at the time (yellow all day at the min) talked about getting acrylic lid I suppose could do that to stop jumpers but never got any brackets with tank to hang lid on and were would I buy some ? then I would need to cut holes for lily pipes etc and I cannot get to close to substrate as the powder ADA substrate is very and gets sucked up and if get any were near grass just rips right out its very annoying 😡

Thanks dean
Hey mate , just cut a bit of acrylic to the size of the tank , you shouldn't need brackets as it will just sit on top , as long as is 4mm it will sit firmly enough . You can cut for the lily pipes with a jigsaw or Stanley knife 🙂
I have a nice peice of 4mm toughened glass I got from work , cost me £8 for 1m x30cm , the amount of dust that gathers on top is amazingly loads . I would hate for that to end up in my tank . By the looks of your pictures you have a Hagen glo lamp , t5h0 24 watt . How is the tank now ? Any improvements at all ? With growth or algae ?
Obviously only sorted flow problem other day and nothing changed yet but as said a lid would be good as could get some shrimp in there were would I buy accrilic from ? I want to get to the cause but maybe it's sorted and just need the algae removed ? Maybe still too much light even at the height it is what you think

Thanks dean
They do acrylic at b and q But its not the cheapest , just google acrylic sheeting or look on eBay I'm sure you'll find something somewhere . I think all the info you need on lighting charts is here on the forum , I'm sure if your not going over medium lighting then it should be ok , but with unlimited co2 and ferts and no livestock even with high lighting you should be ok well at least in theory 🙂
Try this link Lighting an Aquarium with PAR instead of Watts

Hi Dean, I know folk are trying to be helpfully but I don't know if they have read all the post on your thread?
I still have a feeling there is something not correct with your co2 injection and I would not recommend stocking any creatures as you still might have play around with the gas.
The thing is you are not using that much light anyway so in my mind you just don't have enough co2, in a small tank it should be easy to get enough gas to feed the plants & get them growing really strongly.
Thanks fox fish I am not stocking yet just an idea for future, I will do the ph tests now as has better flow when I get a chance, one question, when I sort the problem out should the algae start to disappear or will it hang about but stop growing ?

Thanks again mate and I will eventually get livestock but seeming to take forever

Hi Dean,
I agree with Foxfish, there must be a fundamental issue somewhere with your co2.
Did you buy the FE full or have you had it filled/refilled?
Sorry if it has been asked before, but does the tank receive strong sunlight before the luminaire photoperiod?
Hi ady enjoying ur thread on new na aquarium stunning I really want a larger deeper tank lol, anyway it's in kitchen but wouldn't say gets lots of sunlight maybe some trough large windows but could that make it this bad ? Only problem is no we're else to put it, I could keep blinds closed for week or so? I am wanting to do another ph test from gas on till lights on but on my 4 days in at the moment so unable but the algae is terrible been meaning to look at the par aswel but havnt had a minute, it's also very shallow and think any light would massively affect it but will look at page Clive posted earlier will look tonight

Also when I did 2 day black out dont think algae disappeared very much or would it take longer ? and just noticed today on my the FE were it is normally reading 50psi its 0 so think its empty, had it from begging and been on high bps so not to bad, only ran out today and don't have time to change so will leave lights off tomorrow then do tomorrow night

need sorted asap though as been running since November flooded since march-April and still no stock 🙁

also I know clive said to get ph meter been looking any struggling to find a cheapish and functional one anyone got a link ?

Thanks Dean
I had 8mm acrylic lid on my tank and it warped badly. Ended up getting ADA lid from greenmachine along with clips. Gap at end for pipes you could cover with cling film until they are settled in.
Get in contact with a local glass company they will cut you a sheet of glass

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Like I mentioned above ^ you could get a nice polished Edge toughened glass lid for less then a tenner 🙂 ( i did)
I'm a glazier and its not that much monies 🙂
do what aliclarke said
I know clive said to get ph meter been looking any struggling to find a cheapish and functional one anyone got a link ? and co2 still working even though left dial at just a mm above 0 ? will it take few days to be not working ?

wish someone wanted to swap a 90 cm deep 🙁

I know clive said to get ph meter been looking any struggling to find a cheapish and functional one anyone got a link ? and co2 still working even though left dial at just a mm above 0 ? will it take few days to be not working ?

wish someone wanted to swap a 90 cm deep 🙁

Change the bottle anyway mate fluctuating co2 leads to more algae woes, I have to jump on the something's fundamentally wrong with your co2 system bandwagon so to speak you've had this set up since November and only used 1 fe ?? I used to go through 500g in 6 weeks on my 12 ltr due to it being shallow so times 4 24 weeks so just over 6 weeks for 12 ltr yours is around 30 ish so you should be going through a fe every 3 months or so I know not all tanks are the same but I've never started one without livestock so always had to ease back baffling mate I'd swap it for my 3 ft 45 deep if you want it 🙂
well changed my FE but co2 reg still fluctuating slightly (barley though when cobstant flow of bubbles) and also even with better flow PH readings still the same 😡 I could change my reg as have 2,see if stops fluctuating but not much at the minute just has constant flow of co2, running out of ideas

Anyone think a very small power head would help matter to assist with flow ?

Thanks dean
checked ph today and seems a little better nearly yellow, not got a digital one yet ordered but not arrived, also I notice that you can hear air bubbles out of spray bar and see larger bubbles that go straight to surface obviously these are co2 but when add less co2 it doesn't have larger bubbles coming out also when turn down co2 fluctuates quite a lot at the regulator, have it set around 3bar

Thanks dean
anymore help or recommendations would be great
anyone think might be worth moving spray bar lower to keep the bubbles low , still no ph meter 😡 should be here soon to take more accurate readings, carried out water change to night and algae hasn't reduced at all even with larger flow and spray bar and co2 constant flow need to make dissolve better, any recommendation on what to do next ?

also how long should I try things 3-4 days ? and should the algae start disappearing when get it right and I should have to physically remove ?

Thanks dean
Also when I did 2 day black out dont think algae disappeared very much or would it take longer ?

A 2-day blackout will not make a dent in algae. I go with 4-day blackouts. And even then, it won't make a dent in non-green algae like BBA in my experience.