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A Little Slice Of Nature

I like it Dean, looks good. I like the scape, (no constructive criticism as I don't know anything about scaping)

They are lovely tanks, love the cabinet, especially without the middle bit of wood.

My crypts melted (pygmea), the rest were fine. I just used a turkey baster and siphon. I found 4 hours to be a good time for my co2 to come on, nice and yellow at lights on, could just be me tho ( I had to have the water closer to the rim to hit the high co2 tho.

Hopefully those plants turn up soon,
I have just changed my co2 to come on 4 hours before lights and hopefully works better and yeah hopefully plants land tomorro and will get straight in tank.

Thanks i am hoping for a nice triangle once plants grow in and wanted a nice bit height from the wood, i know not amazing but i like it and cover rocks and wood in epiphyte plants and will blend in well .

Doing water change i literally just drained the water and wiped glass nothing else (so easy with pump ) then dosed 35ml of macro is that what you did for first week mate ?

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Doing water change i literally just drained the water and wiped glass nothing else (so easy with pump ) then dosed 35ml of macro is that what you did for first week mate ?

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk

Nice and easy with a pump isn't it, much easier for me being 200+litres less. I dosed straight away with full EI as per APFUK on alternate days, then I switched over to @LondonDragon formula to get me started on DIY all in one mixtures. Seems to going OK at the moment but to be honest I'm not completely sure what I need to look out for anyway.
I also dosed a little dry magnesium (epsom salts) after the daily water changes as I read this can help the plants, not sure where I read it though.
Yeah i will stick with EI for now and dose alternate days keep it simple hopefully doesnt lack in anything as changing 80 percent or so of the water.


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I also dosed a little dry magnesium (epsom salts) after the daily water changes as I read this can help the plants, not sure where I read it though.
If you're using my formula there is plenty of magnesium in there already no need to add more 😉
Gorgeous tank and I’m sooooo jealous of that manzanita - don’t hide the wood too much 😎

I’d break up that 1-2-grow H pinnatifida so it looks more natural - it will grow out from even the small pieces
(definitely no need for a second pot unless you’re just impatient)
Assuming you’re going for a bit of a wild look, I’d add some Juncus repens (mixed in with stems Filipe Oliveira style) and might swap out the Siamensis 53B (though this is a good nutrient indicator plant) for Rotala green at some point - wait for everything to grow in before deciding

As soon as you see a crypt leaf showing first sign of melt, just trim and remove - no need to wait until it’s sludge, melt never just goes partway
Gorgeous tank and I’m sooooo jealous of that manzanita - don’t hide the wood too much 😎

I’d break up that 1-2-grow H pinnatifida so it looks more natural - it will grow out from even the small pieces
(definitely no need for a second pot unless you’re just impatient)
Assuming you’re going for a bit of a wild look, I’d add some Juncus repens (mixed in with stems Filipe Oliveira style) and might swap out the Siamensis 53B (though this is a good nutrient indicator plant) for Rotala green at some point - wait for everything to grow in before deciding

As soon as you see a crypt leaf showing first sign of melt, just trim and remove - no need to wait until it’s sludge, melt never just goes partway
Thanks mate appreciate that and i will eventually take out the 53b just using it as a fast grower for now, i have a few loveley peices but couldnt get to work and defently want the wild look, i will try splitting the pinitifida aswel i also could have split the moss more to be honest.

Thanks again

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Plated a huge bunch of anubias kindly sold to me by SRP3006 //emoji.tapatalk-cdn.com/emoji16.png thanks again mate put into crevices around the rocks.
Looking good, now just need those plants on the right to get tall 😉
Plated a huge bunch of anubias kindly sold to me by SRP3006 thanks again mate put into crevices around the rocks.e0f73e10c71ca7092dc38bdbbee1e25a.jpg

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Finishes it off nicely mate. Those stems will pick up quickly, watching with interest.
Looking good, now just need those plants on the right to get tall 😉
Hopefully doesnt take to long, i have lights at 40 percent will leave it at that for a week or more what you think ?

Quite happy woth layout , keep getting air in filter and skimmer bobbing up and down so mey need a oring or something on to stop it any ideas opened the bottom right up but still happens.


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Hopefully doesnt take to long, i have lights at 40 percent will leave it at that for a week or more what you think ?
The more light you feed it the more CO2 and nutrients you will need and the less room for error you got, so if you are happy and things growing healthy and steady leave as is.

keep getting air in filter and skimmer bobbing up and down
I have not used one of those filter intakes with built-in skimmers, could it be too low/high? or too close to the filter return lily pipe?
Hopefully doesnt take to long, i have lights at 40 percent will leave it at that for a week or more what you think ?

Quite happy woth layout , keep getting air in filter and skimmer bobbing up and down so mey need a oring or something on to stop it any ideas opened the bottom right up but still happens.


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It took me a while to find a sweet spot, you have to adjust it at the bottom and just gently push the head under the surface and let it bob back up to where its comfortable. I have most of my water being taken in through the bottom as I have a separate skimmer.
Once you stop it bobbing it doesn't make anymore annoying sounds

My lights are on at 50% for 6 hours,
Its the filter intake thats the problem will post in filter section as i know others have had similar problems but not sure how they fixed.

I will up lights eventually but happy for the moment, the twinstar s lights are much redder then the e takes some getting used to, how much EI solution are you dosing mate ? I does 35ml .

I am worred that doing daily water changes i will be lacking as dosing micro one day macro the next so worried i am lacking npk on the days i dose micro if that makes sence but hopefully be fine

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Ah I see, maybe give the filter a little shake to remove excess gas?
I dosed around 35ml too, 10ml per 50l per Apfuk. If you can dose in the morning that would be best as I (think) read on here before that the plants take their fill of nutrients pretty early on in the photoperiod so I think water changes after lights go out shouldn't make any odds. However dosing a little more in the beginning isn't going to do any harm. In fact I did daily water changes and dosed just after I refilled.
Ah I see, maybe give the filter a little shake to remove excess gas?
I dosed around 35ml too, 10ml per 50l per Apfuk. If you can dose in the morning that would be best as I (think) read on here before that the plants take their fill of nutrients pretty early on in the photoperiod so I think water changes after lights go out shouldn't make any odds. However dosing a little more in the beginning isn't going to do any harm. In fact I did daily water changes and dosed just after I refilled.
I am doing water change early before co2 goes on currently as off work for a week then dosing EI.

It was jist with changing 70 percent water i was worried about lack of nutrients but hopefully fine mate

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Tank looks really good mate like the hardscape and the plant choices a pump is the way forward to water changes i go from tap to tank tank to garden at the same time and just leave it going for about an hour while I clean wood rocks and glass wear sometimes its more like 2 hrs but I really enjoy it
I am worred that doing daily water changes i will be lacking as dosing micro one day macro the next so worried i am lacking npk on the days i dose micro
Try dosing both an hour or so apart 🙂

Though if your water is usual UK tap (or rainwater that you remineralize), plants will likely not notice - most plants will uptake excess when there is excess available, so have that nutrient storage against the next “drought”