hey al, the crypt's root mass should still be ok so planting the crown of the plants with a little root but no leaf should kick them back into action after a week or two. Ive always found crypts to be hardy, just the leaves that are sensitive to change. Ive certainly had plants pop up from tiny bits of leafless crown, but maybe i have magic water 😎
If the roots have melted then its a dead loss which would be a real shame for you just before planting.
All the best, look forward to seeing the chocolate pond.
Thanks Iain, I've had slight crypt melt I'm the past but this is on a massive scale, I can't believe how deserted the tank looks. I daren't even take a photo of it as it looks terrible lol. The only crypt untouched is the few partva dotted about. The only bonus is that I can actually see the choccos and licorice gouramis all the time as they can't hide amongst it all ha ha. ( no idea why I'm laughing as I feel pretty sad about it lol)
Alistair, come on im telling you now, you are going to wish you went bigger. Seriously, you are doing what I did.
I dont say this often, but I love those chocolates of yours. I want em. I wish. They wont work with rainbowfish, but they are on of my favourate fish. I hope you breed and raise some.
Licorice and chocolates are the way foreward.
Oh and hurry up 😛 , this is an exciting build. Cant wait, but seriously I think you should have gone bigger. You know the square tank in TGM is 5x5 and you wont have issue they have with the 30" height.
Dining tables... pfft waste of precious space...
Thanks Sanj, I know I know I pondered and pondered I've tank size for a while and really did want a 5x5 but my dining room is only narrow and I think it would have totally swamped the room.
I agree dining tables are a waste of space as there's only myself and my daughter but to not have a table at all means trusting an 8 year old not to spill food and drink on the sofas, which I don't fancy chancing ha ha.
I love the chocolates myself, and have had two females who have had fry, one held onto them too long and they died and the other I've no idea what happened to them. Eaten maybe???
The bigger foot print will help for added security if they breed again which I hope they will.
Plus I've already knocked up the first part of my light unit now and had all the wood for the cabinet cut and semi built

I'm hurrying honest 😉
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