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90x45x45cm - 2011 IAPLC entry #577 - The Unknown Valley

Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

cheers george, ill go for the better one then. The DC was running faulty when I took that pic. A clean and a refill with the same BPS got it back to green so not sure what went wrong with it..
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Hi Stu,when i tried lava stone i couldn,t get anything to grow attached to it,loving the scape and plant choice,

Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown


Can i ask what your dosing on this tank?

Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

andyh said:

Can i ask what your dosing on this tank?

yup no probs mate 🙂

10ml of TPN+ one day then 10ml of TPN substitute mix the next
15ml brighty k substitute (The salt scientific name escapes me now, can check later)
10ml easycarbo (to keep the BBA in check)
20 drops of ADA green gain at water change

The TPN substitute is a mix made up of some concentrated stuff from ebay that was linked on here a while back.
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

well I kind of cheated as to get rid of it from the rocks I did a large water change to drop the level in the tank. While the rocks were exposed I squirted on water containing 1ml of EC and 9ml of water. left for 10 mins then re-filled. All the BBA exposed to this turned purple and was gone in 5 days. Im now using the EC to try and keep on top of it so it doesnt come back as I suspect my diffuser isnt getting the co2 around the tank properly or I need more flow
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

some small update pictures from down the valley in the tank. The solitary rummy nose needs some friends 🙁

Excuse the algae on the glass, must have missed it on water change this morning. The fissidens is grwoing in well and im liking the moss that is weeping over the stone down the valley. Think its xmas moss but not entirely sure. Still got some BBA in places 🙁





Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Looking great Stu, some great detail with the mosses, loving this tank 🙂 full shot needed! 😉
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Totally agree with Paulo, a full shot would be much appreciated! This tank is truly inspirational, and extremely original, I love it. Its going great by the looks of it too! 😀
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Very nice!

Have you used anything to keep the substrates seperate, or just the rocks?
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

thanks all, will try and get a full tank shot this week 🙂

@ Chrisjj - Its just the lava rock that keeps most of it in although I do get some AS spillage where the shrimps dig it out of the gaps. Ive also got clay balls behind the rocks to fill in the gaps
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

small update, sorry for my lack of acivity lately but been really busy.

Big trim/water change tonight so took a quick pic on the phone, apologies for the quality. Its also a bit murky with cleaning the glass so will take a better pic when its clear.

90x45x45cm - The Unknown

This is awesome Stu. Cracking scape, well done!
Re: 90x45x45cm - The Unknown

Superb, Stu. Your best 'scape yet, I think.

Will you keep it going much longer, or are you ready for a new creation?

Are you entering this into the IAPLC?