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90x45x45cm - 2011 IAPLC entry #577 - The Unknown Valley

Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

Stunning tank Stu, could never imagined it to turn out like this from the start, great work and good luck in the competition 🙂
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

thanks mark and paulo :0 yes i didnt envision it quite this grown in as it looks like the back of an overgrown garden at the moment! I had a look back at the startup pics and it does look coral sea uber bare! its amazing how the green takes over over time
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

by the way, could anybody confirm to me what moss this is in the bottom middle of the picture above the hydrocoytyl?

looks like maybe xmas??

90x45x45cm planted tank by Stu Worrall, on Flickr
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

stuworrall said:
by the way, could anybody confirm to me what moss this is in the bottom middle of the picture above the hydrocoytyl?
Looks like Spiky moss to me!
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

stuworrall said:
cool thanks paulo, i thought it might be xmas as it looked like an xmas tree fallen down 🙂
I could be wrong 😛
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

Xmas moss is a little more droopy I think. It's got the shape of spiky, but fronds are a bit small. They're usually a brighter green. I'd say they're Java moss.
Re: 90x45x45cm - Unknown Valley

xmas moss!

Tank is looking sweet, the overgrown looks very natural.
This tank is now stripped down after the weekend. Took ages to take all the ferns off the lava as they'd embedded themselves in the rocks plus catching shrimp is a pain. Will try the bottle trap method next time.

Its currently empty with 30kg of dragon stone and manzi wood waiting to go in it 🙂 formulated a planting plan and design for it with gaz from green machine last week (thanks gaz) so ive got a good idea what im doing with it.

Also picked up a bag of bonsai pummice from my local bonsai supplier yesterday which will be used for banking in the back in nets. Just need some more nile sand but TGM are closed today 🙁
a really enjoyable tank. Your fish are boraras sp Thailand?