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22 gal Mr.Aqua

Thank you zoz😵n another matter I have noticed that my Monte carlo exhibits differential growth. Does anyone think it may be caused by too low light levels? It is also VERY slow growing.

Did you ever figure this out? I'm sorry I can't help (except suggest it's usually flow & co2...) Perhaps starting a thread in the 'plants' topic might help get you an answer? Your new tetras are lovely ☺
Decided to set up a Borneo blackwater tank for my B. brigittae. Got out my Fluvial Spec V and added a 50 watt heater and adjusted the filter sponges so my guys didn't get sucked in. (made that mistake previously), added a mature planting on Mopani wood and an additional of new Mopani wood planted with a few Java ferns Windelov. Here's an image of them in holding:
and here's the tank in assembly:
After finishing the setup waited overnight to bring temp. up and here's the new setup with my B. brigittae:
I'm figuring the Mopani wood and an Indian almond leaf which I added will slowly darken the water as well as adding some protozoan life for the fish. I'm leaving the lights on for now to encourage plant growth (the fish have plenty of shady places).
With luck I'll get some breeding and the fry have lot's of spots to hide. Will be interesting to see if this project is successful.
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I think you maybe linking images in closed forums Rob, the one above appears to be from box gardens so people would have to be signed in to see it but you will be able to. You need to upload them somewhere public like imageshack, imgur or flickr maybe.
Can't remember which others weren't working now, I was having a quick look at dinner time while at work. The blackwater one wasn't working but is now. Some others were working from what I can remember.
Have had the blackwater aquarium set up for two plus weeks now. The B. brigittae are doing well, but I have noticed no mating behavior yet. I get early morning sun on the tank, so I use lights only 2 hrs a day and have had no algae problems (yet).