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22 gal Mr.Aqua

This weekend I scraped the sides and trimmed dead plant material, vacuumed the substrate, and treated with Excel. With a 20 li. R/O water change hoping it will help. Also dimmed and shortened light period. Here's the result:

Well the bleached ember tetra kicked the bucket. Still have five of the original six and they all look healthy. The bleaching was what caught my attention. I'll keep a weather eye out


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After spending many hours and lots of bad words attempting to tie small plants on with thread and trembling fingers, I have finally purchased some cyanoacrylic adhesive which is still difficult with shaky hands so I enlisted my wife's help and now a formerly bald root has anubias and fissidensgrowing on it. (hope the anubias roots will eventually hide the white glue. Wish they'd make it in a dark color. Wonder if you could add color when you squeeze it out?