another nice addition with the armoured cat mate, they are stunning fish. and top news on more babies.
great to see the tank on something bigger than your phone. Certainly takes a lot of plants to make a tank this big not look bare!!
how is the Cladophora getting on following the moss issues?
Thanks mate. The farlowella is stunning. Even more so in that I purchased another to accompany it only to find out once it had settled and got its full colour they are 2 different species. Oh well. They certainly 'stick' together ha ha.
There's a lot of plants in their iain theyre slowly now just starting to take off. I think with it being such a big amount of water im struggling to get lighting levels correct. Even though they are running at 50 percent, that night at Dans, George Jeremy and Dan and myself had a long chat about the level of lighting in their and that its actually much lower at substrate level than I think.
The Cladophora moss is fantastic. Its very lush, colourful and is extremely healthy. The other mosses just didnt keep. Something isnt right but not sure what regarding moss in this tank. It grows but almost brown.
Definitely agree on having a ukaps invite over soon.
Looking great Alastair, and good to hear the choccos have carried on where they left off!
Love farlowella catfish too, they'll love your large branches.
Hiya Ady great to hear from you mate. I hope your marine tank isn't tearing you away from us......dont gooooooooo ha ha.
Strangely they spend more time on the substrate. Im getting 2 more I think but will leave it until these 2 grow up.
Your samoa sand looks quite pale in the photos. Is is darker in person? I 've been looking at the senegal as it looks a bit darker. Really need to see it in a shop before deciding though.
yep its darker in the person. Not vastly by much but a shade or 2 darker.
Senegal was what I was stuck between but I got it right with my choice as it seems to blend well with the wood and petrified wood.
The think fish website stocking calculator reckons your tank could cope with about 443 adult Chocolate Gouramis
😎 but I cant see a single fish in your recent whole of tank pic of the chocolate 'inland sea'

Its a good thing your Gouramis are breeding. It'd cost more than the tank to fill it
How many fish are hiding away in there?
Hiya James,
Ha ha yep I think other than a photo a few pages back which you can see the choccos its hard to see them. They do tend to swim in pairs or alone unless feeding time. I will take one of feeding time with filters off which will show all inhabitants.
There's roughly 30 choccos plus the babies I added, quite a lot of licorice gouramis but theyve now taken there territories up but come out when they see me, corydoras habrosus, about ten cherry shrimp, 30 ottos (one appears pregnant) 2 farlowella and a new group of fish ive added which will post up shortly. Im due another 20 licorice gouramis and 100 choccos.
Oh yes! its the brown on brown camo thing
😳 It doesn't help I'm looking at a phone image on my 27' iMac - The pic is 52x29cm before I 'click to see full size image'
Wheres those DSLR image got too
Theyll be up shortly mate
Hi Alastair, I've just been having a good read of your journal and its looking really good. Wish I had the room for such a big project!
Sorry to hear about your crypt melt. Why do you think they melted. My crypts seem to grow really well and then a few leaves just melt for no apparent reason.
Hope you are well mate
Hi Matt Thank you for the kind comment.
I wish I had the room for such a big project ha ha. I lost most of my dining room for this. Planning on opening up front and back room to create space and allow viewing of the tank from both sides.
The crypt melt I think ive gotten to the bottom of.
When I fill back up with a hose, the flow from it came out directly at them and if the boiler went off for a few seconds and then kicked in again it would effectively be pouring out cold water and its this instant temperature fluctuation that caused it. I know some people never have problems with crypts I never have usually but they dont like change imo.
looking great alistair hope yhe crypt melt has passed and started recovering as everyone says the amount of plants and fish it will take for this to look (full) is unreak and very expensive only way is replanting and breeding and hopefully works iut that way and sure it will keep the pictures and updates coming looking forward to seeing it thrive and grow
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Cheers Deano. Crypts are all looking great again now. Nice bright green leaves showing already. Its taking off now and really looking forward to it progressing.
its times like this I want co2 but I want this tank long term ie 3 or 4 years but do a little something co2 wise in my living room.