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120L Eleocharis Parvula tank

Hello people,

I am experiencing a problem with my CO2 regulator - readings suddenly fell to zero and Im currently trying to resolve this. So I have no CO2 and to resolve it may take up to 3-4 days. Currently adding liquid CO2.

In the meantime I would appreciate any advice on:
1. Lights - should I reduce the light period (6hours) in order to avoid any other problems?
2. Dosing - decrease?
3. Water changes - should I increase water changes? (now approx. 3 times per week 50%)

Its been frustrating since I am currently in the 3rd week of my plants and I believe its a set back - I hope it does not affect them so much.
Why not just turn the lights off for a few days and keep everything else the same? Make things simple until you get your regulator back.

Hello ceg4048,

Thanks for the advice at all times!🙂

I have installed the co2 again and everything seems to work ok.
However the pressure gauge set at 3 bar is constantly moving from 2.8-3.2 bar, this did not happen before.
Is there an issue here?

I use the Easy Aqua Twin Guage Regulator/Solenoid from AquaEssential and I thought that a range of 2-4 bar would be ok, thats why I used the 3 bar - opted for the middle.

Any ideas on the issue with the variances in the pressure gauge?
Also do you know how long would a 3Kg Co2 bottle would last me for? 7 hour per day usage

2 bar is normal & pretty safe although many, if not most regs, have an upper limit of 1.7 bar.
If there is little resistance, ie a reactor, then the pressure can be set around 1 bar, if you are using a high pressure device like a man made ceramic atomiser then it may be necessary to use 2 - 2.5 bar.
There should not be any issues using 3 bar unless (or until) the outlet becomes restricted, ie ceramic stone gets clogged with lime scale or somthing else, then something could easily give or explode. Probably not a good idea as a blown hose could empty your tank & empty your gas supply.
hello again,

I have a question with regards to water temperature.

Currently I am not using a heater and the tank temp. is around 21C.

Should I install a heater and set the temperature around 25-27C?
Will it help my plant growth rate?

However the pressure gauge set at 3 bar is constantly moving from 2.8-3.2 bar, this did not happen before.
Is there an issue here?
You need to check for leakage.

i want your advice on the ideal temperature for the planted tank!
currently its around 21c without a heater.
should i install one and set it around 25c? Whats the best for plant growth?
I would personally use a heater to avoid fluctuations and set it to about 23/24c which is a good temperature for the fish, plants aren't really picky though. I wouldn't go higher than 26c though.
Hi people,

I have placed a heater in the tank and its set at 25C.
There seems to be a problem though, some kind of algae, dont know!
All the variables are the same except for the heater and im using liquid carbon from brightwell aquatics (in addition to pressurised co2).

Heres some pics:






I would appreciate your help in this one!
I don't know what could be causing your algae problem but it's obviously an imbalance somewhere re ferts and light and CO2 distribution. Wiser heads than mine might be able to pin it down for you. Have you got any fish, shrimps or snails in the tank? Shrimps and red ramshorns would get through that lot. I always have a SAE in my tanks too - for the really stubborn algae.
Well after some research on the forumn i have trimmed the hair grass and done more than 50% water change.

i will follow this for 4 days and see how it goes!

for fertilisation i tend to overdose - is that an issue?

the fish currently are:
3 black tetras
5 ottos
1 cherry shrimp
Hello people,

Here is a recent picture of my tank:


I have been doing recent water changes in order to get rid of that kind of algae previously posted. Also have done more trimming to the hair grass! Cannot say its gone 100%!

I would appreciate some advice as to how im doing with my tank, the ultimate goal is to get that dense carpet effect with the hairgrass!
So far im not getting any positive signs!

Hi there maristo.
As whitey suggests your co2 may be on the high side as your fish do seem to be at the surface and the dc is yellow?
I think your algae issues are most likely down to your recent co2 issues. Running out and then fluctuating levels are the ideal recipie for algae so once you have a constant stable supply things should improve with regular water changes and tank/filter maintenance. I would increase water changes to a minimum of two x 50% per week while your still experiencing algae issues. Continue to dose the liquid carbon alongside your gas co2 to act as an algaecide to speed up the eradication.
Hope it goes well, stick with it!
Hello guys,

It been disappointing since i do not see any growth of the eleocharis parvula plants for almost 3 months!
I dont understand whats affecting the growth or what i am doing wrong!
Is it the lights-should i use both T8s?

I will post a pic as well!

Please advise!!

Here are my aquarium specs:
1. Tank – 120L open tank
2. Filter - Tetra EX700 (700 l/h)
3. Lights – 2 x T8 18W each but only one is switched on for 6 hours per day
4. Substrate – JBL Manado
5. Pressurized CO2 with magnetic valve and UP atomizer
6. Estimative Index fertilization regime - 30ml of sera florena per week (3 days of 10ml) and 40ml of the EI ferts ( spread in 3 days). One day no ferts where i usually do the water change.
7. Water changes once a week 30% with dechlorinated water
8. Flora – Eleocharis Parvula
9. Fauna - Mainly tetra fish and 6 ottos