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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Mark Evans said:
I'm a little torn, and for the first time, i actually really want to keep this going, but a part of me needs to start all over again.

Cheers Mark
you simply need another tank 😉
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Dan Crawford said:
I hate you, Evans. No matter how much effort I put in you still smash me. :lol:
That makes two of us. 😀
Mark, please give me a good price for photography lessons, will ya?
I like your scape a lot, but I like your pictures even more.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

I can see why you would want to keep it going. It has to be at the cutting edge of aquascaping both nationally and internationally Mark 🙂 Have the best of both worlds. Keep this running and start up a new one too. At less than 10% of the cost of the cheapest MF rig, you could get a nice new optiwhite setup 😉
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

hey there. any tips on setting up a filter to create such crystal water. i have purigen in my internal filter but want to switch to a larger external. so... how do you do it?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

darren636 said:
hey there. any tips on setting up a filter to create such crystal water. i have purigen in my internal filter but want to switch to a larger external. so... how do you do it?

I do use quite a bit of Purigen...about 3-400ml. alongside active carbon and filter floss...that's all in 1 filter. The other is bio orientated.

Tasks such as cleaning @ substrate level are important, as is water changing. Time and a stable tank can also bring about clear water. Try not to 'mess around' with plants and repositioning.

Antipofish said:
I can see why you would want to keep it going. It has to be at the cutting edge of aquascaping both nationally and internationally Mark

Cheers mate.

Jur4ik said:
you simply need another tank

I do have the 90cm running which keeps my occupied I guess.

Ady34 said:
a natural meadow leading into an enchanted forest..... stunning!

Thanks :thumbup:

Antoni said:
Love this last shot! Truly amazing!

You makes me dream, my friend.... I would have a nice camera, great aquascapes, Mark's skills...someone to wake me up

This is the journal, I'm waiting for to be updated on a daily basis

Aquadream said:
Mark, please give me a good price for photography lessons, will ya?

Thanks you fellas :angel:

I think, soon, I'll do some kind of 'how to' on aquatic photography.

I think many know the basics of how to use a camera, so I'll try show you what i do to obtain my images.

It's in everyone's grasp for sure.

Simple things like, Ripples...

hairdryer by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Mark Evans said:
darren636 said:
hey there. any tips on setting up a filter to create such crystal water. i have purigen in my internal filter but want to switch to a larger external. so... how do you do it?

I do use quite a bit of Purigen...about 3-400ml. alongside active carbon and filter floss...that's all in 1 filter. The other is bio orientated.

Mark, which two filters are you using ? Do you have two sets of pipes in and out of the tank normally then ? (I know you take the glassware out for photo shoots). I am using purigen but think I will up the amount and add some activated carbon too. Is it all as good as anything else or do you prefer a particular brand ? How much do you use of the carbon ? Cheers.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Hi Mark,
i have to say the tank is looking great, i know your due a trim but the more natural look also suits it well and with the extra growth of the mosses on the wood the tank overall looks 'heavier' and more solid which i like. Everything is just so dense and examplifies the overall health of the system. It just keeps getting better.

I also love your external heater set up as shown in the last shot, its very unique. Keeping equipment out of the tank is a must for these top scapes with competition aspirations.... evaporation must be an issue though!!! :lol:

Sorry for commenting every time you add something, it just seems every photo gives something else to think about, it really does just keep getting better which im sure is why your so torn with the idea of starting something new or keeping this going.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Antipofish said:
Mark, which two filters are you using ? Do you have two sets of pipes in and out of the tank normally then ?

I use the JBL and Eheim filters. Both great filters. I also use 2 x sets of Aquasys glassware (not avaible as yet)

Ady34 said:
I also love your external heater set up as shown in the last shot, its very unique. Keeping equipment out of the tank is a must for these top scapes with competition aspirations.... evaporation must be an issue though!!!

A way for me to expel 'hot air' :lol:

So, a week away and the tank is 'over grown' to say the least. Glosso has grown beyond belief. Some general maintenance is in order over the next 2 days.

I've bought a 'Glide Track' which now allows me to create videos with nice fluid movement.

Here's a preview....With a full length video being created soon.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

:clap: amazing, the preview looks like an intro to a movie. :clap:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

Lovely video Mark, wondering when you'll buy a slider, nice to see that your fish are playing along. 🙂

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

not bad i suppose. 😀
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

darren636 said:
not bad i suppose.

It should improve. These were the fisrt attempts. Like a child, i just had to get them 'out there' :lol:

clonitza said:
Lovely video Mark, wondering when you'll buy a slider, nice to see that your fish are playing along.

The glide track is very versatile if you rethink about how to move the thing. :thumbup:

logi-cat said:
amazing, the preview looks like an intro to a movie.

Cheers mate. Hopefully some better productions to come.

mikeappleby said:
love it! bar raised another fifty notches...

Cheers Mike. Just doing my best to keep things moving along. To inspire too if possible.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

you state that you employ two filters- i think antipofish asked a question about the the filter pipes- how do you rig it all together?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

Wow... Nice vid... Almost makes me want to keep fish 😀
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

darren636 said:
i think antipofish asked a question about the the filter pipes- how do you rig it all together?

2 sets of pipes.

Inlet and outlet from 1No. filter.

outlet- front corner/left (inline diffuser)
inlet back corner/left
Inlet and outlet second filter.

outlet- back corner/right
inlet- front corner/right

This allows water to be pulled into the opposing filter outlet.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

vid is the dogs mark! Ive been looking at those glide tracks with awe for a while, they are very nice bits of kit for the work you are doing and I'm sure you'll use it to its full potential! I really want the ones you can do time lapse on which move themselves over several hours, would look great on a tank throughout the day :geek:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 A new perspective

thats great mate, you'll be in Hollywood before we know it!