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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

square by saintly's pics, on Flickr

Definitely your best yet mate - your aquascaping has gone "all grown-up" and the photography has hit another level.

The combination of superb aquascape design, plant growth, maintenance and photography is a real winner. Probably my favourite 'scape of 2012 so far.

I'm really chuffed for you. I know how much aquascaping means to you and how much blood, sweat and tears you've put into helping achieve the level you're at right now. I'd go as far to say as you're the UK's no.1 aquascaper/photographer. :clap:

I'm really proud to have you on UKAPS and be such a great ambassador for the hobby.

Thank you, Mark.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

just saw that on FB, and on the blood, sweat , tears remark, i can understand how this scape has helped you Mark through some tuffies. You won't forget this scape Mark. You certainly have helped me with the artistic side of this hobby. I can only thank you for that.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Mark Evans said:
Thanks chaps.

Ady. For the final shot I'll be removing certain fish and adding extra tetras, so basic errors won't be made again. 🙂

Antipofish. Do I really have to move the tank for a 3rd time? :angel: there's nothing there, but let your imagination believe that's there's little pixies or somthing similar :lol: a pot of gold maybe?......

Nah, just take it next time you are shooting 🙂 And you don't want pixies in there mate, they uproot EVERYTHING ! haha.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

I hate you, Evans. No matter how much effort I put in you still smash me. I even went out and bought the same camera as you and still no good :lol:

I can only echo everyone else's thoughts out about you being our number one aquascaper, and the UK's best hope for the IAPLC.

Huge admiration pal :clap:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Congrats on becoming an 'official' expert Mark, your tank clearly shows this to be the case, well done.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Dan Crawford said:
I hate you, Evans. No matter how much effort I put in you still smash me. I even went out and bought the same camera as you and still no good :lol:

I can only echo everyone else's thoughts out about you being our number one aquascaper, and the UK's best hope for the IAPLC.

Huge admiration pal :clap:

I couldn't agree with Dan more. Mark has inspired me not only in aquascaping but also photography. Im not in the same league but its something to strive for.

DAN... if you don't want that 5dmkII then feel free to chuck it my way 🙂 I have a D700 to swap hehe.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

George Farmer said:
I'm tempted by the D800...

Its a great camera, though God only knows why Nikon have packed it with so many megapixels. I am surprised, because with the other changes between the two models, I would have thought by keeping the MP's lower the D800 could have been even better than the D700 in low light. Still... its got video now 🙂 (which mine hasn't, grr).
120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Tony Swinney said:
Ordered mine today George 🙂

Back to the world of Nikonians for me ! Anyone want to buy my Canon / Zeiss kit !!

Wow dude, I would like to see that camera in action. 🙂

With 36mp can you print to A0 🙂 ?

I think that I will wait for it to drop in price. 🙂

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Antipofish said:
George Farmer said:
I'm tempted by the D800...

Its a great camera, though God only knows why Nikon have packed it with so many megapixels.
I believe it's more geared towards competing with the medium-format market. Total overkill for most of us unless you're printing massive stuff. You'll need a super computer too. Tony will love it!

I'll stick with my 50D until it dies. Serves me perfectly well. Even had a PFK front cover the other month. 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

George Farmer said:
Antipofish said:
George Farmer said:
I'm tempted by the D800...

Its a great camera, though God only knows why Nikon have packed it with so many megapixels.
I believe it's more geared towards competing with the medium-format market. Total overkill for most of us unless you're printing massive stuff. You'll need a super computer too. Tony will love it!

I'll stick with my 50D until it dies. Serves me perfectly well. Even had a PFK front cover the other month. 🙂

Nowt wrong with the 50D 🙂 The D800 is USB3 compatible to enable faster transfer of TIFF files that can be up to 200MB each !!! Holy Moly.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

I will add to all and say that thanks to Mark all the rest have to push the limits also. Thank you Mark :clap:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

That's exactly right George, Nikon are going after the medium format pro market, and Canon will do the same with the next 5d too. Of course the medium format manufacturers are pushing things way beyond this - I'm working on shots at the minute shot on the Hasselblad 200ms camera, which gives a Raw file of 1.2gb !!! Major overkill for 99.9% of photog's !

The d800 should be the first DSLR capable of the file quality needed for billboards, and at a 1/4 of the price too.

Anyhows, sorry to clog Marks thread - perhaps George could move these posts into the photo section if they're to continue ?

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Many thanks for all of your support guys. :thumbup:

I've been looking at Medium format recently, but digital MF is so expensive. Even the Pentax 645 would come in @ 10K

The Hassleblad would be my choice, but @ 20K and even up to 30K for a rig, that's just plain crazy.

I have though, owned a Mamiya medium format film camera, which was amazing. My good old days of taking film in to be processed.... 😛

I'm interested to see what Canon do with the new 5D MK3. They're not pursuing the 1DS series by all accounts.

The tank is still doing great. It's need of another trim which i shall do next weekend.

I'm a little torn, and for the first time, i actually really want to keep this going, but a part of me needs to start all over again.

left-side by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

a natural meadow leading into an enchanted forest..... stunning!