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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

To end this little update, i've taken a few photos with flash.

Here's an image giving the general idea of how i would like full tank shot to look like.

the-idea by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

got to stop reading threads that are this good !!! seriously blows me away. if we could just get the mighty attenborough to do a voice over to these vids and pics then i would be truly in my happy place lol 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Tank and pics are looking great as always Mark!! How long do you think you are at final shot stage??

If you are still thinking about culling the numbers of your RCS at some point im looking to buy some in a week or too...
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

looks great Mark, the moss looks second to none. I do spy some red ludwigia, is this the begining of the evolution?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

somethingfishy said:
got to stop reading threads that are this good !!! seriously blows me away. if we could just get the mighty attenborough to do a voice over to these vids and pics then i would be truly in my happy place lol

Cheers mate. Once i have more time, i'll dedicate more time to my videos.

easerthegeezer said:
How long do you think you are at final shot stage??

about 5 weeks i think.

easerthegeezer said:
If you are still thinking about culling the numbers of your RCS at some point im looking to buy some in a week or too...

Once I've got around to catching some, i'll send some out.

skeletonw00t said:
It's just ridiculous how healthy your plants look Mark!

Find the rhythm of the tank, and everything grows with ease. Lighting and CO2 are key.

ianho said:
looks great Mark, the moss looks second to none. I do spy some red ludwigia, is this the begining of the evolution?

good spot Ian. It's not ludwigia though. A prize for the correct answer. :geek:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

and the winner is....


what can i send overseas?..... 😀

rotala-macaranda by saintly's pics, on Flickr

It's Rotala Macaranda(1-2 grow) I've put it in to try. The next scape in the 120cm will be a full 1-2 grow tank
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Hmm judging top tips are red and plant is larger than from original in-vitro already he has chance to keep it red 🙂

I like that crop of the scape really much.. I don't like full scape thought but this part of scape is really stunning.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Mark Evans said:
Find the rhythm of the tank, and everything grows with ease. Lighting and CO2 are key.

I've nagged people for the last few years about this.

Have you thought about swapping the plain old moss for Fissidens or Flame moss etc?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Tom, imo it is difficult to achieve such layer with fissidens, as it grows in kinda bulbs .. but the wavy effect might be worth a try. Flame might look very interesting thought :thumbup:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Sorry for a lack of input recently. Work is hectic at the moment.

plantbrain said:
I've nagged people for the last few years about this.

Have you thought about swapping the plain old moss for Fissidens or Flame moss etc?

To be honest Tom, I've not grown that much moss. With each tank that I do, I'm becoming a much bigger fan of the stuff, so yes, in the future; I'll consider the mosses you've mentioned.

I spoke with George recently about the next set up (120 x 55 x 55) which I plan doing a 'long term' scape'...he just laughed!

clonitza said:
You can send me your best wishes, there's no need to send me anything else.

Best wishes and well done :angel:

Emyr said:
How long has this tank been running for now Mark? Very impressive, everything from the videos to the photos to the journal itself.

Thanks mate. I think it's been running for 4 months or so now.

easerthegeezer said:

I'm very surprised 😳

Piece-of-fish said:
Nah, this is defo to green to me. Come on Mark.

Not yet it's not.... 😀

rotala-macaranda-2 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

Radik said:
I don't like full scape thought but this part of scape is really stunning.

Me neither. Can't wait for the next scape to start.

George Farmer said:
I reckon the R. macrandra will turn green!

Still looks amazing. I've no energy for more adjectives.

In the 90cm it's turning green! :shifty:

Cheers George.

I've started adding shrimp to the 90cm now.

My invasion of cherry shrimp is now spiralling out of all control.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

On a side note, can I thank everyone on the Ukaps forum who's subscribed to my YouTube channel.

I've just hit 800 subscribers. :angel:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Going for a record!

Mark Evans said:
On a side note, can I thank everyone on the Ukaps forum who's subscribed to my YouTube channel.

I've just hit 800 subscribers. :angel:
Congratulations mate.

You're the best aquascaping videographer out there. Period.