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120 x 55 x 55 Iwawoody.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 After the trim.

Looks perfect Mark, wish I had as many plants as you when I've started mine. 🙂

Mark Evans said:
Boredom is setting in, and the urge to create is getting the better of me.

I know that mate, the difference between you and me is that I'm uber lazy than you :lol: so when I feel bored I just move plants around, anyway it's a great feeling working on a new one. :thumbup:

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 After the trim.

Another photo session awaits tomorrow.

I've had to pull the tank away from the wall again and get everything ready.

Here's emptying the tank ready for moving.




and the back of the tank.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Looking great Mark 🙂 Never realised you were so young ! That is you off to the side of the tank right ? LOL. How did you manage to move it. Seriously though, the plant growth is LUSH. No other word for it 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Looking great Mark, certainly watch your back moving that beast
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Antipofish said:
Never realised you were so young ! That is you off to the side of the tank right

Yep. thats me :shh:

mrjackdempsey said:
certainly watch your back moving that beast

My backs ruined already...from work :cry:

She's now full again and ready for a mad few hours of image taking.

There's a bit of prep work before i start. Trimming out stray runners etc.



and another from the back...the vallis went a bit mental.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Mark, have you ever thought of videoing a photo shoot ? Just have the camcorder on (if you have a separate one to the one on your camera) recording the whole proceedings, then a bit of editting down to maybe 20mins / half an hour ? I am sure I would not be the only one interested in seeing it 🙂 Oh, and if you decide to get rid of some vallis since its gone mental, I'd be happy to make a donation to UKAPS for it, or buy some from ya 😉
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

love that vallis from the back shot. looking good mate.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Antipofish said:
Mark, have you ever thought of videoing a photo shoot ? Just have the camcorder on (if you have a separate one to the one on your camera) recording the whole proceedings, then a bit of editting down to maybe 20mins / half an hour ? I am sure I would not be the only one interested in seeing it

I've thought about for sure, but time isn't on my side with this shoot. Photos and vids take time, and I just don't have time at the moment. One day, maybe for the benefit of everyone.

As I'm so small, getting everything set up can be challenging...

You see how small I am?...I cant even reach in to trim the plants.


George Farmer said:

Cheers George.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Mark Evans said:
Antipofish said:
Mark, have you ever thought of videoing a photo shoot ? Just have the camcorder on (if you have a separate one to the one on your camera) recording the whole proceedings, then a bit of editting down to maybe 20mins / half an hour ? I am sure I would not be the only one interested in seeing it

I've thought about for sure, but time isn't on my side with this shoot. Photos and vids take time, and I just don't have time at the moment. One day, maybe for the benefit of everyone.

As I'm so small, getting everything set up can be challenging...

You see how small I am?...I cant even reach in to trim the plants.


George Farmer said:

LOL, Tiny ! I will buy you a stool 😀 I understand what you mean about time though. If I was closer I would offer to help.

Cheers George.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

cheers antipofish.

I've just about got everything set up, But it's too late to start shooting. The tank is pearling like mad. I'll have to wait until late tonight or early morning.

Here;'s a test image...

tropica-test1 by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

those closer shots do show a good detail when clicked on. Well done mate!
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Hi Mark,

I actually really like the effect of the leggy glosso. A tight carpet doesn't look so natural; almost too formal.

This portrait shot is one of my favourites of the journal so far.

tropica-test1 by saintly's pics, on Flickr

The balance and contrast between the dark and light areas is spot on and the complex textures of the various plants, especially the moss works brilliantly - Nature Aquarium-style at its best. I also think the limited DoF works wonderfully, adding to the already incredible sense of depth. The composition is excellent too, and probably the easiest part for such a talented photographer to get right.

You already know this but to really nail it you need to capture the fish in a shoal too. Then, arguably, it would be better than some shots we see in Aqua Journals.

So... how long now 'til the final photo shoot?

Keep up the inspirational work mate! :thumbup:

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

George. Thanks mate. Such great feedback,and deeply appreciated.

Viktor. These images are taken with just tank lighting. 2 x 54wt5.

I've got a work flow for taking images with nag green lamps, so the full tank shot will be with all 408w of light. Shoot RAW and adjust accordingly.

I've done my minor bits of trimming to tidy up any stray or annoying Vallis leaves.

Time to get the 16-35mm out. The above close ups were taken with the 135mm
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

George Farmer said:
So... how long now 'til the final photo shoot?

Forgot this...sorry.

I'd say about 5 or 6 weeks. I could keep this going for ages I reckon...which would be a first for me 😳

I'm just getting the ripple effect sorted. Pretty tough actually, as you've touched upon earlier George.

Here's a sample. There's co2 flying around in this, but everything will be either switched off or removed, for a nice clean image.

Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Ripple testing

Mark that is an awesome image, really looking good. I used not to like that the central part was so dark but now I realise i makes you 'wonder' and draws you in..not just to the image itself but the whole scape.. and makes you think more about it.

So getting the ripples.. whats the trick ?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55 Photo time again.

Mark Evans said:
Viktor. These images are taken with just tank lighting. 2 x 54wt5.

I've got a work flow for taking images with nag green lamps, so the full tank shot will be with all 408w of light. Shoot RAW and adjust accordingly.

I've done my minor bits of trimming to tidy up any stray or annoying Vallis leaves.

Time to get the 16-35mm out. The above close ups were taken with the 135mm

Thanks my friend. :thumbup:

I am wondering how much light you have with only the 2x54W. Especially with this moss photos. I am shooting with double of it, but only see dark areas with my cam :lol: i may need to work on my part to get close to you. 😀 or is it the arcadia ot2 which tricks me. I know ATI lights easily shoot much more to the tank with it's great reflectors. Probably the same with your Giesemann.

Can't wait to see your final shot. Great to see how you prepare for that. :thumbup: