Re: 120 gallon 450l vision update with pics
Yep lol.
Right where to start, I decided that i was keeping my larrvlee piece of wood, I couldn't bring myself to get rid. Plus it wasn't cheap. So, I thought rather than have it hidden away, I'll make it the focus of the tank, with plants around it.
Out it all came with the help of Matt aka cichlidfam, as it's s bloody hefty weight of tree and I was pretty ill at the time.
Ran Into a problem in that the wood had swollen over the 6 months in the tank, so two piece needed chopping off to get it upright in the tank. And it would only fit dead centre so the idea of slightly off to the right went.
So chopping done, in went the wood again but upright do it looks like a rooted tree submerged.
Then in went the echinodorous plants around the tree and the blyxa that grows like a weed (cheers Westy) lol.
I only have the left side planted almost as I want it to be, as the right side I have s problem taking the smaller wood out as my bristlenose will not budge no matter what I try. He's still stuck in if I pull it out and dont want to lose him so will wait till he's snacking on his cucumber one night and grab the wood.
I've also started using my DIY reactor which I'm having great success with. Bubble free water yippee.
Here's a pic of the left side of my tank, once the right side is done I'll take full shot but still need more plants yet.
Chocolate gouramis as usual coming out for a chance to have their picture taken lol
So if anyone's got any echinodorous species they don't want I'll gladly take off your hands lol. I have some more crypts coming courtesy again of Westy so should contrast a bit more hopefully. I feel it's missing something though and not sure. Any ideas?
Here's the reactor in action too. What a beast